

Reflections of Her Soul
Somewhere out
There's a Woman waiting for the Man to come into her life and Say,
"I understand that you're afraid
And although I'm not the Cause of Your Fears,
I Still Feel Somewhat Responsible for your Pains.
You See, all My Life I've Searched for you,
And If
I could have Just gotten you sooner,
I could have Protected you from the Rain;
I could have Protected from all your Heartaches of having to play the wrong one's games.
But I'm Here Now...
And you don't have to worry about Guarding your Heart Anymore;
You can lay that Burden Down,
That's My Job now".
Her Smile With Tears Gives Him a Answer.
His Hug with Forehead Kiss Made her to Realise as Worth For the wait and also worth for the Pain.

© nilacibi