

Wait for me!
A lovely day would come sooner, I'll meet you one day,
Sunshine will find it's way to us,
it'll shower it's blessings on us one day,
Those promises I made, the dreams we've had,
we'll be together, rain won't stop, flowers will Blossom,
I'll wake the sun up, I'll make myself up and adore you whole day,
Please do not forget me until I'm back,
Wait for me, for us to breathe together.
Life will smile to me then, we'll step together into it,
this love will beautify everything, there'll be no distances, promise,
our place, our nights our days, we'll share everything together, be it happiness or gloom,
A son i want from God, just like how you are, we'll die caring for him together,
I'll get ready now, you go do your stuff,
I'll be coming sooner,
wait for me, for us to breathe together!