

Crazy (Chapter 11)
The next morning, Pepper wakes up at 7:13am to a call from Mrs. R. Pepper gives herself a moment to wake up and register what's going on before answering.
"Hello?" She says, trying not to sound tired.
"Hi, Pepper. I am so sorry, but would you be able to watch Daphne today? I know it's not your weekend to come over, but I got called into work, and my son won't be home for another little while." Mrs. R tells her anxiously.
"Yeah sure. That's fine. I'll be over in five." Pepper gets out of bed starts brushing her hair.
"Thank you so much. She is still asleep, so no rush. Thank you so so much again." She sighs before hanging up.
Pepper quickly gets dressed and grabs her bag before running over to the Rabbitt house and knocking on the door. She doesn't see Mrs. R's car in the driveway so she's not expecting an answer and she's not shocked when there is none. She tries to twists the doorknob and it opens. She walks inside and sits down as she pulls out her sketchbook. She starts to hear some footsteps from upstairs and she listens carefully, but pretends to ignore it. The footsteps come down the stairs as she begins sketching.
"What the-" A low but soft voice mutters.
She looks up at the voice only to be met with the sight if Draco in only sweat pants and a small but thick silver chain necklace.
She blushes and looks at the floor.
"What are you doing here?" Draco whispers, his voice still low and sexy, as he runs his fingers through his soft and fluffy dark blonde hair.
"Mrs. Rabbitt told me you weren't here..."
Pepper mumbles in response.
Draco looks down at himself, holds out his arms and looks at those. "I think she lied. I am very much here."
"Why?" Pepper whispers
He shrugs. "Maybe she really thought I was gone. I don't know."
"I-i'll leave." Pepper quickly gets up and walks to the door.
"You don't have to if you don't want." Draco says, walking over to where Pepper was just sitting.
"Well... seeing as you are obviously here, my presence is clearly unneeded."
"Look, I'm sorry about last night." Draco tells her, rubbing the back of his neck
"Why? It was, fine." Pepper says, slower than normal out of confusion.
"I just didn't mean to get upset."
"It's fine."
"No, it's not. You shouldn't have had to see me like that."
"I said it's fine." Pepper pauses before turning the door handle.
"Wait!" Draco takes a few steps closer.
Pepper stops and looks up at him. "What?"
"Please stay." He says quietly.
"...because I... ugh! I like being around you, okay?" He exclaims
"Really? You do?"
He just nods at her, flustered.
"I enjoy your company as well..." Pepper whispers to him, releasing her hand from the door.
"I'm glad we can agree on that." He mumbles, looking down into her eyes.
Pepper resists the overwhelming urge to hug him. "Only when you aren't being a bully."
"What's that supposed to mean?" He almost snaps at her but stops himself.
"When you aren't being a jerk, you are fun to be around."
He opens his mouth to speak but closes it again. Pepper smiles
"I'll work on that." He whispers.
Pepper looks at her shoes, starting to slightly blush again.
"You going to sit back down?" He whispers, sitting down.
"Well- I- uh- Need to check on Daphne!" She makes up a quick excuse.
"Okay... fine. Go check on her then."
She runs to Daphnes room and catches her breath at the door before softly knocking on it.
"What?" Daphne groans, possibly in her sleep.
"Are you awake?"
No answer.
"Go way Peppy...." She mumbles
"Fine." Pepper gives up and goes back to Draco.
"Is she awake yet?" He asks as soon as she returns.
"Yeah, but she's not ready to get up yet." She sighs and sits with Draco.
He scoots closer to her so that their legs are now touching. Pepper starts to blush again.
"So what are out plans for today GG?"
"I don't know. I'm supposed to be babysitting."
Draco just shrugs.
"No more tricks please."
"What tricks?" He looks at her
"Hm... let's see... what led to our totally fake date last night?"
He hides a smile. "Fine..."
"Thank you."
"Mhmm." He rests his head on her shoulder, most likely resisting the urge to kiss it.
Pepper stiffens slightly. "What... what are you doing?"
"I... I don't know."
She relaxes a little as her shoulders go back down to their resting place.
"GG?" Draco says with his still quite low morning voice.
"Hm?" Pepper hums in response, closing her eyes.
"Are we.. like... friends now..?"
"Sure." Pepper smiles, hut her heart sinks. All this work to be just friends?! She feels like screaming but ultimately, decides against doing that.
Draco smiles.
'Why? Why heart? Why him? Why do I have to like him so much?!' Pepper screams to herself in her mind.
Draco slowly grabs her hand gently with his and starts caressing the top of his with his thumb.
'Why?! Why is he so perf- wonderful?'
"Baby- uh GG- er Pepper!" He stands up quickly and holds his head with both his hands. "Dammit!" He yells, mainly at himself. Partially at Pepper for making him feel this way.
"What did you call me?" She laughs.
Draco moves his hands to cover his face so she cant see it. "Nothing." He mumbles from behind his hands.
"I know what you said." Pepper giggles.
Although she can't see all of his face, she cam tell that he is going completely beet red. "I didn't say anything, Pepper."
Draco moves one hand down to his side and the other up to his forehead. He closes his eyes and growls. She can't entirely tell if it's at her or himself.
He opens his eyes briefly but closes them again out of annoyance. Again, she can't tell if this emotion is targeted towards her, or himself. "Hm?"
"Are you mad at me?" Peper whispers.
He sighs. "No."
"Then what's wrong?"
He opens his eyes slowly and looks at her.
"Tell me. What's wrong?"
"I'm an idiot, that's what's wrong." He mutters, sitting back down with her.
"How are you an idiot?"
He groans and leans his head back on the couch.
"How are you an idiot?"
"You should know."
"No, I don't."
He looks at Pepper again, slowly, and smiles slightly. "It's nothing. I'm fine."
He rests his head back on her shoulder and scoots closer once again.

Thank you again for reaching this far. Again, I know, a bit long, but I think it's going to be a good warm up for the next chapter. Thank you again and if you haven't already, check out the rest of the chapters of Crazy. I would love feedback and you will be getting the next chapter soon! 🫶