

Natalie lay on her unmade bed, crying into her pillow. She had been feeling quite withdrawn from people for a while now.
Her son was getting older and the lack of space in the house, was becoming more of a problem. She’d been on the housing list for a while as she was beginning to feel even more desperate about lots of things, generally. Firstly, her father’s health had hugely declined, her son was needing more things for school,growing out of his uniform so very quickly and her finances were not in best state either, to say the least.
Alongside these things going on, she had just been seeing her doctor a lot more than usual. As her hormones had been playing up again with some very strange symptoms even more than usual and the anxiety issues were also getting worse.
One day, she could feel calm and cool with barely any hot flashes, then the next day she just felt that she couldn’t do anything with herself at all.
Natalie had started limiting herself to doing tasks around the house, as her emotional and physical state were in constant disagreements with each other, all of the time. Just like a never ending dispute.
Natalie, could feel herself withdrawing from people more and more each day, from everyone that she knew. It came to the point where she couldn’t even leave the house because she felt so stuck in a rut, not really knowing which way to turn most days and who to turn too.
The only people that she felt that she could still connect with, were unable to help her, in the way that she needed. As none of them knew or could understand what it was that she was actually experiencing.
It wasn’t until a few years later when Natalie stumbled over a documentary on television by accident that she could relate to the woman that the documentary story was about. The woman had been experiencing some bizzare symptoms that she couldn’t identify or even understand why she was going through them. The woman in the story, was in her very early 30’s and was all over the place with her hormones generally. She described herself in this very emotional journey, as a woman who was having hormonal, behavioural, emotional, neurological and physical problems. Sometimes, all in one day.
Natalie suddenly realised why it was that she could so easily relate to the factual tv documentary, as it could have been written about her!
As the woman in the factual documentary had began a journey of the ‘Early Menopause’. She was having regular blood tests now and some varied appointments these were also relating to her neurological changes that would at times affect random unexplained behaviours. In the documentary, the specialist that the woman had been referred to at the hospital said to her without the confirmation of her blood test results her symptoms would have been diagnosed incorrectly and that it can a common mistake for GP’s to make, without any direct training on the subject. Some of the behavioural changes had the woman had been experiencing mimicked other symptoms that related to extreme neurological disorders. Hence, why it can be so easy for a misdiagnosis, for women going through the early menopause, as the supposed average age for any woman going through’The Change’ is in her middle 50’s, generally.
The specialist, in the programme fortunately had some patients and some knowledge of the menopausal symptoms . As the woman in the factual documentary had been having the same varied experiences, only confirmed what the specialist already thought. That was in his specialist medical opinion that the woman was experiencing very ‘Early Menopause’, due to her symptoms, her age and her blood tests, to his medical knowledge.
He expressed to her in visit shown in the factual documentary that ‘Early Menopause’ it’s not as rare as one would think. Infact, it’s more common than people actually realise. He went into say that it can be hereditary in some families too. Everything made so much sense to Natalie now. She wasn’t crazy, was just experiencing multiple symptoms of the ‘Early Menopause’ all of the time, every day. On top of her other health issues.
She had recently had a blood test for her hormonal imbalance so it shouldn’t be too long for those results to confirm now what she now felt she knew, by the medical factual documentary that she had seen on television. Then a strange thing happened a year later her mum happened to mention in conversation when raising a glass to Natalie’s much belated Nana, that her mum (Natalie’s Nana) also experienced the ‘Early Menopause’, in her very early 40’s many years ago.
This was even more confirmation for Natalie to gain first hand confirmation that the ‘Early Menopause’ was actually family inherited.
During that same year, the news of the new house was confirmed and finally things were changing in an extremely positive way for Natalie and her son.


© Josephine Daniels.