

The Dragon Born: Chapter 1 The Beginning
Legend has it that some kings were born with dragon scars, symbolising their destiny to either fail or lead to greatness...
In the vast and mystical kingdom of Avantar, a boy named Elia was born under the watchful gaze of a magnificent dragon. Elia was no ordinary boy; he was born with a magical bond to the dragon, a bond that marked him as the chosen one destined to rule his father's kingdom.

Tragedy struck young Elia when his parents, the king and queen of Avantar, were viciously betrayed and murdered by his father's once loyal friend, Lord Aric. In the chaos of the attack, Elia's mother managed to protect him, entrusting him to the care of the faithful dragon who had watched over them for generations.

Growing up under the dragon's guidance, Elia learned the ways of the kingdom and the secrets of the ancient magic that flowed through his veins. As he grew into a strong and courageous young man, Elia's destiny became clear: he would reclaim his rightful place as the ruler of Avantar and avenge his parents' deaths.

In his quest for justice, Elia encountered a beautiful and fierce young woman named Elara, the daughter of Lord Aric, the man responsible for his parents' murder. Though their love was forbidden by their shared history, Elia found himself drawn to Elara's spirit and strength. Realising that he must confront Elara's father in order to secure his kingdom and win her hand, Elia embarked on a dangerous mission to overthrow Lord Aric and claim his throne.

As he battled dark forces and faced treacherous obstacles, Elia proved himself to be a worthy and noble leader. In the end, Elia succeeded in vanquishing Lord Aric and emerged victorious, but his greatest challenge lay ahead: winning Elara's heart. How could he do that after killing her father? Through acts of kindness and compassion, Elia showed Elara the true depths of his character and earned her love and respect.

United by their shared past and hopeful future, Elia and Elara were married in a grand ceremony that united the once divided kingdom of Avantar. Together, they ruled with wisdom and justice, their bond stronger than ever as they faced the challenges of their reign side by side, their love shining as bright as the fiery dragon that had guided them on their journey.

Their love endured, and their son Alvin became a symbol of their union and strength. The kingdom of Avantar flourished under their rule, a testament to the power of love and resilience. But, as the saying goes, "if you reveal your secrets to the wind, you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees."
© meena's inspirational books