

A Journey To My Personal Revolution
The reason I decided to write this very short story is so my readers can get to know me a little.

I get lazy at times. I have goals and dreams to work towards but there are times when I just don’t feel like doing anything. I have fears about myself just like everyone else. I’m not even close to being perfect nor do I want to be. That’s just too much pressure.

Although I have a four year degree, I was never able to land a decent paying job. In the present I am working as a liaison officer- freelance. It's a job I love doing not only because it pays my bills but because this is the only work that I don't get too much stress and pressures. Although I’ve never said I was successful (at least defined by society’s standards) I realize that some people think I’m more successful than I really am, just because... but I never bothered to say otherwise until now.

I’m naturally an introvert which is probably the opposite of what other people would expect from someone like me. I’ve always been quite shy, growing up. Over the years thanks to my background in sales and marketing shortly after graduating college, I’ve become more confident but it’s definitely something I need to improve upon.

I often feel awkward in social situations that involve a bunch of people I don’t know.

I’m not afraid of failure. To be more precise, I’m not afraid of what others would think of me if I fail. This does not prevent me from chasing my dreams but it does prevent me from sharing my dreams with other people.

I’m generally a happy, care-free person but I do have moments where I feel like my life is not going anywhere and it can get a bit depressing. Fortunately, those moments don’t last very long. In fact it was a great journey. Although the end is not yet in sight, I' m seeing things in their best light, while all the time keeping my eyes firmly focused on reality.

I always believe there will be a better day. And wherever I be tomorrow, who knows! I just keep working on my personal revolution to transform and improve myself in the way most natural for me.

I want to thank everyone here who shares their insights and their stories. My profound appreciation and gratitude to all of you.

© 2020 @Bee1111
#mystory #myjourney
#journey #lifejourney #goals #dreams #success #confidence #improvement #bestlight #focus #reality #believe #betterdays #humanrevolution #personalrevolution