

Love from the family ❤️
every child needs love care from parents brothers n sisters if doesn't get the child feels lonely n sad Al the time.
its a story of a girl who was far from her parents n bro from childhood living in hostel bz of her education n poorness.the girl always said her parents tht she wanted to live with them bt the parents couldn't do anything.the girl started feeling sad n always cried didn't study nor made any efforts in anything.once her granny snd her in city for education the girl couldn't do anything she went n the people with whom she used to stay never treated her like their own she didn't get the love that she must get the full year she screamed n cried saying she don't wanna stay there atlast her father took her at their place n took admission in nearest school the girl became more happy atlast she was with her parents...

parents are the most precious gift of every child n their love n care is the precious thing a child grows up with it....☺️👍