

The crazy lady that lives in my house :0
Im happy cause I'm finally moving away from the woman that torture me and my family for years frirst of all she's my grandma but you know how people say omg my grandma is the sweetest or I can count on her if my prents are fighting or disowned me but me even if I did get disowned by my own parents I would never GO to my GRANDMA!!!! because she screams at me and my sisters for no reason and I hate that she makes my little sister cry and since I'm so stressed because of her I end up being mean to my little sister which I hate so MUCH!!! but now that I'm moving and she's not gonna be with us I'm very hapy cause my family is finally FREE!!! from the evil witch like she causes my mom stressed cause she does the most weirdest thing and I feel bad for my grandpa cause he's so done with her but instead my grandpa stayed strong and still stayed with my gRaNdMa but now since I'm moving from another house with my parents and my grandma is going to the philliphines I'm super happy(pls dont think that I'm hating on her im just saying what I feel around her)