

Something Else In That Book
You walk to the door and go
out of it but you never tell me
what's going on.
So I don't know what to think
So I am left speechless
And the music plays
And I try to lose myself
And forget the terrors we went through
yes it was not all bad
Yes now I am not like I was but
I can drink and watch the fire
sadly crying oh why is
my life this way godly yet terrored
with past not my own
give me a solution holy Lord
So I think out loud
And speak out loud
but yes no one in here with me be
maybe two dead relatives
And some people I call
the yelling people
what is the reason I don't know
but I do like the people but
there way is something.
Strange but nothing more weirder
then anything else.
So the fire goes out and the
people disappear as if they where not
And I look into another book
And say ok maybe I can get lost in
this story cause the other story
ended so behind that new story
is maybe words I have to add to it
to the story and complete the story
sense I am the only one alive to
voice it's pages in story telling
by a fire which is now out
yes I think I can add another chapter
And his eyes lite up
And he said yes everyone will read
my vision ok then the fire
lights and the spirits of the people
gather around the people and he picks
a book up and starts laughing
while some lady is in between worlds
And she trying to run things
but she don't know that's wrong
We didn't bring pain to our people
for there ends
But we will appear and help them spend
it yes and he gets the people
and the fore goes out and the book he was reading and added a chapter to shuts
And the curtain
moves around the room.
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