

This is a message for you

I was sent to you

How long will you continue to run away from your maker?

How much time do you believe you have?

This life! oh this life is too short for us all

It is brief, it is short, it is so little

I am writing to you because deep down in your heart you know where you have been getting it wrong

You know that what you profess is the direct opposite of what you are sure of

You lead people around like sign board, but never get there yourself

You know how your heart beats in fear of your future after death, yet you don't give a damn

How long! Oh how long do you want your creator to beg for your undivided attention?

Why have you gotten so used to straying away from the truth?

You openly blind people

You also blind yourself from the truth.

Hmmmmm, my friend don't think I want to judge you

Far it be from me. I too went through such a gruelsome experience.

My turning point came when I gave myself completely to my creator

He wrapped me in His loving arms and gave me all the hope that I always looked for

Now I am sure of my fate after death

I know that when mortality is swallowed up in immortality

I will be in my eternal home

What about you?