

Catherine’s Wedding
It was a happy day for Catherine Murphy. Calvin I am so happy today said Catherine Murphy. Why? Calvin ask because I was talking to this pope his name is Rover Riddlehoover he is 76 years old replied Catherine Murphy. Wow! You are older than him and he is younger than you said Calvin yes I know I will be going out with him today I will be back and when I come back you will get to meet him replied Catherine Murphy. That day on Calvin Murphy started cleaning up the house he wash his laundry and his grandmother’s laundry then he sprayed the house down with lysol and lastly he tooked the trash can out and started washing the dishes he was a busy man. Later on Catherine Murphy returned back home and this time she brought the pope with her. Hello grandma I see you brought your new friend with you said Calvin. Rover I want you to meet my beloved grandson Calvin Murphy said Catherine hello there my name is Rover Riddlehoover nice to meet you said Rover nice to meet you too Rover replied Calvin Murphy. Wow Calvin you sure got the house clean said Catherine and it smells so good replied Rover I agree said Catherine well of course it smells good in here because I spray lysol replied Calvin. Rover are you hungry? Catherine ask yes I am replied Rover okay while we both sit down at the kitchen table to get to know more about each other Calvin is going to fix us up something to eat said Catherine I better get started cooking replied Calvin. That day on Calvin started cooking while his grandmother and her friend are sitting at the kitchen table getting to know each other soon food was done and Calvin started fixing everybody their plates they had fried chicken, unsweetened corn, and cabbage. Dinner is ready I am fixing our plates now said Calvin thank you grandson you are so sweet said Catherine thank you Calvin replied Rover you both are very welcome said Calvin Rover said the grace and everybody started eating. Me and Rover have something to share with you Calvin said Catherine well what is it? Calvin ask me and your grandmother has been loving each other since the day we met I been thinking about her all day and night every time she leaves I start thinking about her and I have made my decision to marry her and you are going to be my best man said Rover. That’s wonderful so when is the wedding? Calvin ask it’s after Margaret’s birthday July 15 at Rover’s church St Joseph Catholic Church replied Catherine alright after we eat I will call Lorraine, Gayle, and my daddy said Calvin. You know what I am sad right now said Catherine why my love? Ask Rover well after Calvin said those three I had another son well he died and now he won’t see his mother getting married replied Catherine I am sorry to hear that my dear said Rover grandma don’t be sad Sir Wilbert is in a better place he will be smiling down on your wedding replied Calvin thanks Calvin I am happy that you said that said Catherine. When the great day came everybody was coming down to the church to the wedding Catherine had her wedding dress on and was ready and Pope Rover was ready as well. The preacher came to start the wedding ceremony he was a tall man and had his bible in his hands ready to start the wedding and walking down the isle came Catherine Murphy. Dearly beloved we have gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Rover and Catherine said the pastor. Rover do you take Catherine Murphy to be your lawfully wedded wife? The pastor ask I do replied Rover now Catherine do you take Rover to be your lawfully wedded husband? The pastor ask I do replied Catherine. You may now kiss the bride said the pastor and everybody was cheering it was the happiest day for Catherine.
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