

The Cap-seller and the Monkeys
On an afternoon of a summer day, a cap-seller was selling caps in a village. He became tired and sat for some rest under a big tree. The tree was the abode of many monkeys, and when the cap-seller fell asleep, one of the naughty monkeys opened his bag and found colorful caps. They thought the caps to be playthings and took them on the high branches.

In the evening, when the seller rose, he found his bag almost empty. He was very disappointed and started to search for the caps. He suddenly found some monkeys playing with caps on the branches. As the cap-seller started yielding at them, the yield back to him, and this made the man angrier. He started throwing pebbles while the monkeys threw fruits from the trees. The cap-seller was astonished, and he made a plan. He started wearing a cap and threw it on the ground. The monkeys started imitating him, and soon, all the caps were thrown on the ground. The seller collected all the caps and went back home smiling.

Moral: This story shows us that wisdom is a mightier weapon than others. One should always keep his head cool and think to overcome the situation.
