

the strange dorm
it was just an average evening about ten years ago. i was getting ready to move out of my dad's beach house that i have practically been living in my entire childhood. but i was ready to start my new college life. and i noticed something very strange about the dorm i was moving into. i noticed that everytime i asked anyone about the dorm, they would stare at me with a long and creepy smile. then they would deeply laugh and repeatedly say "2 5 4 am" then walk away. whenever i see that person again, they would act like everything is normal and nothing happened. I had no choice but to choose this dorm to stay into. this was the only dorm available at the moment.the next morning, I moved into the dorm. the walls were stained red but i didn't think of it at the time. i just assumed that it was just the color of the paint on the wall. the day went by really fast. before i knew it, the morning turned into the night. i was tired so i fell asleep. i remember waking up at exactly 2:54 am to a loud noise coming from the bathroom. as soom as i get out of bed to see what that sound was, i notice that every single of my painting was laying on the ground. each painting had a letter or number on it. i put the paintings together and it all said "2 5 4 a m" wrote across the paintings in blood. i thought that i was just paranoid so i went back to bed. i hear a strange deep voice whispering in my ear saying "2 5 4 a m." i was so scared that i couldn't fall asleep for the rest of the night. as soon as the sun came up, i packed my bags and left as fast as possible. that evening, i googled the history about the strange dorm and i found out that this exact dorm used to be a room for an aparment and an old art teacher used to stay in the room with her abusive husband. when it turned exactly 2:54 am, the art teacher was murdered by her husband, than seconds later, he stabbed himself 6 times in his neck. ever since the night that he murdered his wife and himself, both the art teacher and the husband haunted that same dorm and drove away anyone who ever dares to stay a night in that dorm. when i returned home after leaving the dorm for good, my dad asked why i came home. i told him about what happened. the look on his face was obvious that he didnt believe me. but he said that he will investigate the dorm just so he can prove that it was probably just a bad dream. two days later, he got ready to investigate. so he left at around 11 pm. he said that he would be back around 11:30 to 12:00 am. so i sat on the couch waiting for him to come home, but he never came home. i was so scared and worried that i called the police. the cops went to the dorm to look for him, but there was no sign of him anywhere. i decided to return back to the dorm after the cops left just to look for my dad. when i got to the dorm, i walked in and i saw a message on the wall written in blood saying, "you will be sorry" with my dad's head pinned to the wall. i screamed so loud that even everyone a mile away could hear me. i ran out as fast as i could and reported it all to the cops. when they returned back to the dorm, not even a trace of blood was found. they locked me up in a mental hospital for 2 years before i could get out. up until this fay, i am still 100% positive that i know what i saw.