

The Paladin
The Paladin 2

..Gormamu save our soul the mother cried as she saw what she never imagined in her entire life. The child within was crawling out of it's mother. By this time Sarabi had already passed out leaving only the mother to witness this frightening marvel...Staraabu was as still as a broken clock, staring in fear and amazement before the clapping of the storm perked her up and tossed her back to her senses. She grabbed the boy who was as heavy as a milestone and wrapped him in a zebra stripped wrapper which she took out from a cloth basket beside her, the baby was strange and he did not cry.

"Gormamu..what have you given to us" Staraabu whispered as if talking to the god himself.
Few minutes later, Sarabi opened her eyes, the storm had ceased abruptly like it was cut short.
"Where is my child mama! What happened?"
Calm down my child, he is fine, hold on while i bring him to you.
She picked up the child and put it in its mothers arms..

"Nguvu..that will be your name"
Sarabi said with her last breath.

"Wake up, you must most not leave your son, remember he has no father..please...no..! Wake up....Arrhh!"
The village gathered and consoled Staraabu as they covered her daughter .

"You! You did this...." Staarabu said pointing to Nguvu in the hands of one of the villagers........To be continued