

1st short story
Once there lived a cute little family of beautiful feathered birds. They had one little bird which was just born and was eager to see this world. hence, it jumped off the nest of sticks, and branches of the trees. It was very badly wounded yet made home alive. because of what that baby bird did, the parents decided that it's not safe for the baby bird to get out of the nest. And hence they locked it inside a fine cage where it's not allowed to do anything but listen to the parents. One fine day suddenly the parents thought of letting it out due to their age. They wanted their child to fly away but it was too late for that and hence when it jumped off the nest it fell so hard that it hit it's head and died at that moment. Not only the bird but also its wishes and dreams died with it.

Not every story is a fairy tale and nothing can be proven wrong. It's not the bird but the children who are locked away in the name of protection just because the world is not safe but forgets to teach the rules and follow it strictly.

This story is dedicated to every single child locked away from this world in the name of protection. Thank you.