

Life lessons 👋(1)
In life, we win, we lose, we love, we get hurt and so forth.
I never thought I'd see the day where I got betrayed by my "friends".
I thought we were good friends, but I was used for money, for better friends, for attention, for food, for revenge and love. They managed to get a lot out of me. I won't lie, it hurt a lot, I'd die for them, I'd do a lot for them but to know that they never cared, they used me for my fears, desires, dreams and secrets, I can't believe I trusted them. One day they'll get their karma. As for me, I moved on and found myself. I'm building myself up, physically and mentally and emotionally. I'm a changed person. I'm careful of who I call a "friend", I'm aware of my surroundings and I'm capable of standing alone. I don't need anyone but myself, my family, my education and God. I'm good on my own. It's time to be me, and no one else.

Be careful who you call a friend. Salt and sugar looks the same. If no one is good to you, then be good for and to yourself. You don't need anyone. Be yourself, love yourself, stand tall and walk this life on your own. Be strong, you can do this.
#stand up

© TJ