


"I do not believe in ghosts."
"I do not believe in ghosts."
I used to say this line over and over again to each and everyone who asked me whether I assumed in ghosts or not. Even if the conversation about ghosts started around me, I used to quote the above line and leave the place.
When I looked at the chalets, alone, their thought came to me and I belittled it.

Science doesn't say or accept that there are evil spirits and ghosts but just to bring to your notice sweet people, science doesn't even say that there aren't any ghosts and all.

Many places in the wide world are such where superstitions are given far more privilege than logic and significance. Those notions are on the tracks since the people's, people's ancestors.

So, "I do not believe in ghosts."
But it was only till the 2nd of January, 2019.
The sun glimpsed through the frontier and the grass was impassive below our feet. The breakfast we ate sitting on our mats in the grass was flavoursome.
The time came and we drove towards Bhangarh. We have been at Jaiselmer for three nights on our start of the journey.

As Dad pulled the car into the village it was as if I have entered a state which is entirely wrecked after a war. A different sort of negativeness enclosed us. The atmosphere was too eerie to breathe. People sat at the door of their decades-old houses and stared at us. They all wore the almost same dress, men wore dhoti and kurta along with pagdi and women wore sarees. Their clothes were as if they have not been washed for years. Their half-naked children played on the road with a stick and a coconut whirling on and on. People there had flustered look on their faces.

We walked inside the massive fort; all cream-yellow and brown at some places, it was tremendous enough to be called a five-star hotel.

Last night when I slept in the hotel room staring at the ceiling, I thought that will I feel something remarkably starnge or this is only a shitty side.
But that day -- The next day I stood there in front of the tall iron doorway and my eyes pursued plenty of stairs leading upstairs.
To Be Continued...

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