

Piercing Pain of Unrequited Love
I think what hurts the most is the fact that I thought you felt the same
But now I see that I misread every gesture and every name.
I foolishly believed in something that was nothing more than a fantasy,
A fabricated love story that existed only in my head, it seems to me.

For years, I smiled and dreamed at the mere thought of you,
Your laugh, your voice, and your eyes, so deep and true.
I imagined our future together, with kids and a house by the sea,
But now all those hopes have been shattered, and I’m left alone to be.

I tried to ignore the signs that maybe you didn’t feel the same,
Hoping that maybe, just maybe, our paths would cross again.
But as time went on, I realized that you were happy being friends,
While I was still stuck in a one-sided love that wouldn’t end.

The pain of unrequited love is like a dagger to the heart,
A constant ache that pulls you apart, right from the start.
You see the object of your affection and feel your knees go weak,
But then they smile at you, and your hope turns bleak.

I wonder how you never saw the love that was in my eyes,
Or perhaps you did, and you simply chose to ignore the signs.
Either way, the truth remains that you never loved me in return,
And now I’m left with nothing but ashes and heartburn.

It’s not as if I can just turn off the switch and forget,
As if three years of loving someone can be wiped clean, with no regret.
I can’t erase the memories or pretend that what we had didn’t exist,
But I can let go of this love and learn to live without any twist.

Though it feels like my whole world has come crashing down,
I know that I’ll survive and in time, wear the crown.
I’ll pick up the pieces of my heart and move on with my life,
And someday I’ll find the one that could make the pain subside.

And maybe then I’ll finally understand why this had to be,
Why my love for you could never be more than just a fantasy.
For now, though, the pain is real, and it cuts deep like a knife,
But I’ll be damned if I’ll let it define my whole life.

To you, my former love, I leave this final thought,
Though the love I felt for you will always be a knot.
I hope that you find happiness in all that you do,
And someday, someone will love you as much as I do.
© Jevanjee