

Virginity:A burden of traditions

Pankaj-Are you fine, Prerna?
Prerna said yes wiping her tears.
Pankaj was trying to calm Prerna who was newly married to him.
Prerna was heading towards her new home (Pankaj's house) after marriage.
She was sobbing profoundly as she was separated from her parents.
As soon as they reached Pankaj’s house. Pankaj’s family welcomed the new bride in a very grand and pompous way. All the rituals and customs were performed with ecstasy and perfection. Everyone was very happy.
But no one knew what was going in Prerna’s mind. She was a smart, independent working woman. She was sad, as she had to leave her parent's house after marriage. She was happy because she is going to start a beautiful phase of life that every girl dreams of.
The reason for her anxiety is confusing. She was anxious thinking about her first night as she was a virgin. Prerna was curious to explore a new experience, but was shy also.
A girl needs time to open up to anyone. As it was an arranged marriage Prerna and Pankaj had met only twice after their engagement.
After all the hectic rituals and tradition completion, Prerna’s sisters in law took her to the room. They asked her to stay there and take rest.
Prerna was having a very strange feeling. She was in her dreamland thinking about her first night.
Finally, the moment arrived Pankaj entered the room. Pankaj locked the door from inside. He came closer to the bed. This makes Prerna’s heart to beat faster. He started gazing at her. She was looking divine in bridal dress. The fragrance of the flowers and candles in the room was setting up the perfect romantic mood. She was looking gorgeous in her crimson lehenga and golden jewelry.
The aroma of henna on her hands and small bindi on her forehead mesmerized Pankaj.
Pankaj was lost in her beauty. Suddenly somebody knocked the door. Pankaj went and opened the door.

Pankaj- ‘What happened maa?’
Seema Pankaj’s mother did not say anything. She handed over a white bedsheet to Pankaj and left.
Pankaj asked Prerna to change the bedsheet, as the previous bedsheet was dirty.
She did as instructed.
The next day in the morning when Prerna went to take bath, Seema came and checked the bedsheet.
She was searching for a bloodstain on the bedsheet.
According to Seema a girl’s virginity can be confirmed by a mere bloodstain. Seema called Prerna and said.
Seema- ‘Prerna we can’t accept you, you will have to leave you’.
Prerna-‘ Mummyji what happened, have I done anything wrong?’
Seema- ‘Look Prerna, you are not a virgin, we can’t accept you’.

Prerna kept mum and started sobbing. Within a blink of an eye, her dreams were shattered. She was devastated and did not know what to do.
She pleaded alot to her mother in law but Seema was adamant.
Instead of supporting Prerna, Pankaj started yelling at him. He grabbed her hand and dragged her to the main gate.
Prerna was heartbroken by Pankaj’s behavior.
Within seconds her world was turned upside down.
Wiping her tears she said.
Prerna- Leave me What do you people think of yourselves? What proof do you want?
Can you prove your virginity? Tell me,can you give me a certificate that you haven’t slept with any other girl before marriage.I know you can’t. Nobody can ever  prove this. But nobody asks you to prove your purity because you are a boy. But I have to prove my purity. Amazing!
Everyone gives lectures on gender equality, but actually, it is not. Why only a girl is asked to prove her purity and not a boy?

Pankaj- 'Prerna be in your limit,stop giving me lecture.'
Prerna-'Pankaj I was a virgin until marriage. I did not bleed because if a girl is into sports her hymen breaks and you know that I am a badminton player. I told you the truth if you can trust me then It is fine. Otherwise, I am not going to give you any certificate. Relations are based on trust and commitment so if you can trust me I can stay otherwise I will leave.'
Pankaj kept mum looking dejected.
Prerna said I got the answer and left Pankaj’s house wishing him Good luck.
Author’s point: We live in a so-called progressive society but still there is a section of society which practice such traditions. I think this society is a hypocrite. It always asks women to prove their sanity. Men are not questioned, they are free to fool around. I am not supporting pre-marital sex,it is personal choice. My point is how can you ask someone, the thing which you can't give them back.I believe relationships are based on trust and respect. There is no point in living with a person who does not respect and trust you.
I think Prerna took a bold step by leaving Pankaj. There will be hurdles in her path but still, she did not compromised with her self-respect. Generally due to fear of society's 'log kya kehenge,’ girls are forced to live a pathetic life, but I am glad that Prerna did not choose it. She walked away with dignity.
Note:This is a work of fiction. It does not have any resemblance to any person living or dead.

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