

Wards In The Clouds (One Shot)

I blinked as I regained consciousness. I had hit my head hard, or had someone hit me? Then I realised I was holding a bloody knife in my hand. There was claw markings on my arms and legs, the leftover debris was cold under my bare feet.

"Was I in a cave?" The walls was wet, it wasn't completely hopeless I could see a fuzzy light in the darkness. As I got further I noticed the water level was rising to my knees.

Trying not to panic as I kicked my body rapidly across the swamp, honestly I felt like a fish out of water, but somehow I managed and when I made it out my eyes started burning.

"Was this salt water?" I groaned. That wasn't it, it was the light, everytime I looked up at the sky my eyes would feel disoriented. My head tilted down and my eyes looked at the ripples in the water and realized I could follow the reflection of the forest and swam to the nearest tree. It had steps and I started to climb up when a voice called out, it didn't sound friendly more like a warning.

I hopped down and when I did two figures did the same, I tried shielding my eyes with my hands to see the people before me. They were wearing wooden animals masks, sage green togas and carrying bows and arrows. I had no strength to complain as they gestured towards the ladder.
My eyes were killing me and maybe there would be shade even if I was a prisoner.

When I made it to the top it was very bright, I lifted my arm again and waited for a sign or someplace to curl up and hide from the light of day.

"Welcome to my forrest, what brings you by?" the voice was small and sounded young.

I looked up and it was a kid. She looked cocky and didn't have on a full mask, it was half a mountain lion. She tried to keep a serious smile on her face but was failing. She got up gracefully which surprised me. "I am the crown princess Mauzi and who are you?"

I closed my eyes. "My name is Cenzyington".

"Are you a girl?"


"Its hard to tell because your so grimy," Mauzi confessed. "How old are you".

"I'm 15".

"Why are your eyes closed?"


"Open them".

I opened my eyes and that's when a figure swung in through the window on a vine, it was a man and he wasn't wearing an animal mask, that's when my eyes started to blur. I noticed a couch when I came and hid underneath it, hoping my eyes would heal.

"What is going on?" the man shouted. The guards exchanged some looks.

"Dad, I found a Ryzen!" Mauzi said excitingly.

'What?" he sounded confused.

"The girl under the couch. Her eyes, they were bloodshot red and their sensitive to sunlight".

I turned and looked out the window, the clouds looked grey it would be storming soon, that's when a black crow flew into my line of sight. It felt weird but natural, the view of the mountains and lake was amazing. The sound of thunder was intimidating as a small village appeared.

"Pardon me" said a voice.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes. They didn't hurt as much anymore, that's when I noticed most of the sun was gone, replaced with light shadows.

The man held out his hand. "I do believe apologies are in order".

#magic #story #fantasy
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