

ACT. 1

in Kendrick's compound.

kaylee:: I hope you enjoyed your food.
Kendrick::of course.
(kasle walks in)
kasle::mom dad am back
kaylee::why so early today it's just past one,u ought to be back by three
kasle::I know,we were sent out
kasle::my school fee
Kendrick::I have paid it,were you sent out because of that .
kasle::no,I just wanted to know (left for her room)
Kendrick:: what's wrong with her this time
kaylee::I will go talk to her (left for kasle's room)
kasle::(sobbing)why is life so unfair mother,they just asked us to leave because someone came
kaylee::who just came
kasle::I don't know and again they said the school already belong to the king, so most of us were asked to leave.why must it be like that mother?.
kaylee::it will be better some day dear,we have to abide by the rules.come on stop crying . let's go have lunch
light fades

scene 2
in the king's chamber

Ranata:: how could you do that, innocent children were sent out, Lukas you have to leave the school
Lukas::I am the king and I will do whatever I want
Ranata::you are the king you have to think about your people's welfare.
Lukas:: Ranata stop all this,I will do what pleases me
Ranata::no dear it's wrong, think of you being in their shoes
Lukas::they will go to the school only if they can pay the fee,that final
Lukas::(cut in)no but, leave my chamber
Ranata:: okay,rest well ( returns to her chamber)
Areta::mom are we changing our school
Ranata::where did you hear that from?
Areta::I heard it from mother Nora,is it true?
Ranata::yes it's true
Areta:: But why???
Ranata:: only your father can answer that,I don't know why
Areta:: when are we resuming to the school
Ranata:: next school day
Areta:: that's next week Monday, Alexis and i would be attending the same school
Ranata:: with the rest,go and read
Areta:: alright rest well mother.
light fades

Scene 3

In Kendrick's compound

Kasle::(ran in with a smile)mom mom mom
kaylee:: what is it,why re you shouting
kasle:: I can go back to school,it just that our fee has been increased
kaylee:: really,so how much is it
kasle::3 times the normal price
kaylee::(to herself) that too much (okay I will talk to your father)
kasle:: and again, the royal family will be attending our school
kaylee:: that good let your father get back.

later that evening
kaylee:: kasle school fee has been increased three times the normal price
Kendrick:: okay we are going to pay the rest.
kaylee::we would have to pay over again, that what the mister said when i called him
Kendrick:: of I would get it first thing tomorrow morning.
kaylee:: but how
Kendrick::I will look for lee, don't worry my friends can help

light fades

© funmilayo mide