

The Aristotle.
Aristotle is first literary critic or poet who published it's first book poetics and Samuel Johnson had told that the first literary critic is me. but the first literary critic was Aristotle who published it's first work poetics according to Aristotle criticism means to judge and Aristotle guru or teacher was plato and Aristotle student was Alexandra the great and before Aristotle plato was a first person who published it's first work poetics and criticism was also called art and arts was decided into two types fine arts and usually art Fine arts include literature sculptures etc.and usually arts include cooking utensils agriculture etc and and Aristotle joined the Plato Academy and stayed for 17 years and opened his own academy and he teaches the Alexander the great and now we will discussed about poetic poetics was different from other poets whem Plato wasa teacher of Aristotle then he published his republic a book where he discusses about the ideal society and say that we should throw away the poets and their poetary because they are useless and their imagination are false and they do not respect the god but Aristotle defend this statement