

Chapter 4
After I home, I remember was that I was thinking about what happened if I saw Sauske again. But....I called a sleep. And now I am awake. I sat up from my bed and looked at the clock. 10:00. Wait...oh no!!. I am going to be late for school!!. I jumped out of bed and rushed to get my clothes on. Aah got to find my socks. Ah here it is! I put them on and put on my Shoes. Oh I am so going to meet. a angry teacher today. I grabbed my backpack and out the door and to the school's road.
After 1 second I got there and got my tardy ticket. Okay...now I have to get to class. I ran to my 2nd class in a blur. " Your late.. Uzumaki. What made you late this time?", Mrs. Shoko looked at me with a cold stare. " Uh I uh...I...I over sleeper.", I looked down on the floor. "Well..I will let it slide this time, but only because we have a new student today.", A new student? Who?
I took my seat and took out my stuff. "As I was saying class we are going to-", a knock interrupted her.
"That must be the new student.", She put her stuff down, got up and opened the door. "Is this your father?", she asked. Everyone including me tried to see who it was. "Hey Naruto", I turned around and looked at the 3rd row. "Do you wanna get some Ramen after school?", it was Sakura. I wish she knew that I already know that she pretended to be my friend, but.....I think revenge will be better. " Uh yeah sure we can.", I fake smiled. I will take to the most horrible restaurant of all. I looked away. And started to take notes, but it didn't take long cause someone tapped on my shoulder. Uh can't I just do my work. I turned around to my side. "Hey scaredy cat.", holy crap... it's Sauske. "Uh what are you..uh doing here?", I asked confused. " I told you I was to move didn't I? Or did you forget?", he laughed. "I guess I did. And I am not a scaredy cat, so stop calling me that.", I whispered. "Aah Naruto...since you seem to be getting along with Mr. tsukino, you are going to give him a tour around the school.", great. I think she is trying to make my life a living hell. I returned back to my notes. Now he is going ask questions. Or maybe he is going to beat me up for lying.
After classes me and Sauske walked down the hallway. "Uh listen...it is not what you-", he interrupted. " I already know.", uh he did? really? " You told me to take you home to the orb force because you didn't want me to think that you were not a vampire, but don't worry. I already know that you're not a werewolf. You are just here for probably the same reason as my brother.", I looked at him. "Oh...uh guess I don't have to tell you. ", I looked forward. At least I am not going to get beat up. But...that...that does not mean he won't find out. I hope he doesn't. "This is the Art room to your left.", I pionted to which door. He nodded. Then he suddenly smiled mischievously. "Try sounding British while say the tour.", he said. Why does he want me to do that for? Well it... doesn't...hurt to try. "And over to your right you have "Mr. Shoko's room..the...boring class." he laughed. "You are very terrible at sounding British.", I laughed with him feeling happy.