

Chapter 3: 5 Hours back
Venkat was radiating with happiness after his engagement. The joyous glow on his face was unmistakable, and he couldn't wait to celebrate with his friends. Initially, he had planned the bachelor party for the night right after his engagement, eager to ride the wave of excitement. However, upon realizing the importance of Arjun's presence, he decided to postpone it to a more suitable time—Sunday night.

When the night of the party arrived, the pub buzzed with energy. The lively atmosphere, accompanied by pulsating music and dynamic lighting, filled the air with excitement. Venkat's friends, known for their boisterous nature, ordered rounds of drinks and hit the dance floor, reveling in the vibrant ambiance.

Arjun, who typically shied away from such social gatherings, accepted the party invitation to make his brother's special day even more memorable. He knew that Venkat had been looking forward to this celebration, and he didn't want to disappoint him. Despite his initial reservations, Arjun decided to immerse himself in the festivities for Venkat's sake. Both brothers settled for fruit juices and a selection of snacks, content to watch their friends enjoy the energetic atmosphere that enveloped the pub.

As the night wore on, the party at the pub reached its peak. Venkat, the man of the hour, was overjoyed, surrounded by friends who celebrated his engagement with enthusiasm. The atmosphere was electric, pulsating with music and laughter.

Arjun, on the other hand, found himself in the midst of a whirlwind of emotions. He observed his brother's jubilation and couldn't help but smile at Venkat's happiness. Deep down, he was grateful for this moment, even though it was tinged with a sense of unease.

Though he had once been the life of such gatherings, something had changed within him since the day he lost contact with Swapna. Nobody knew the real reason behind his transformation, except for himself. He wasn't truly enjoying the party, but for the sake of his brother's happiness, he continued to wear a facade of enjoyment, dancing along and engaging in lighthearted conversations to keep up appearances.

As the night wore on, the revelry in the pub reached its peak, with music thumping and the crowd's spirits soaring. Kamal, one of Venkat's friends, was in high spirits after consuming a few drinks. However, things took a dramatic turn when he saw another guy verbally abusing a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Kamal's ex-girlfriend. Consumed by a cocktail of alcohol-fueled bravado, fury, and sentimentality, Kamal confronted the offender. A heated argument escalated into a full-blown altercation, with tempers flaring and punches thrown. The bouncers intervened swiftly, escorting Kamal and his friend out of the pub and leaving them on the dimly lit street, surrounded by the echoes of their ill-fated night.

Outside the pub, the friends, in a strange twist of fate, began to find humor in their situation. Laughter echoed through the empty streets as they roamed aimlessly through the city, not quite ready to let the night end. They were in no rush to head home. Laughter bubbled out of them as they wandered the city streets, the flickering lampposts casting long, distorted shadows. The camaraderie between them grew stronger with every step, solidifying a memorable night of celebration.

As the clock crept toward 3:00 AM, the group's enthusiasm showed no sign of waning. The desire for more drinks was palpable. Vaibhav, one of Venkat's friends, revealed his secret late-night alcohol connection. Their laughter echoed through the deserted streets as they embarked on a quest to acquire another round of bottles from the hidden supplier, their spirits lifted by the adventure. Their journey back to the flat was filled with merriment and a sense of profound connection, ready to continue the unforgettable night that had only just begun.

The road was deserted at this late hour, and the crisp night air was invigorating. It felt as though they were the only souls awake in the entire city. Their laughter and boisterous chatter echoed through the empty streets as they stumbled upon hidden gems within their own neighborhood, places they'd never noticed during the hustle and bustle of daytime life.

Vaibhav's secret supplier came to their rescue, providing them with the precious bottles they sought. They paid him handsomely, more out of gratitude for his service than for the cost of the alcohol. With the treasure secured, they headed back to their flat, anticipation and excitement filling the night air as they prepared to continue their unforgettable journey.

In the comfort of their flat, the group settled on the floor in a circle, the camaraderie stronger than ever. As the drinks flowed, laughter filled the room, and Venkat couldn't resist poking fun at Kamal's earlier antics. With a playful glint in his eye, he shared the tale of Kamal's romantic misadventures, drawing a chorus of hearty laughter from the group.

Venkat, ever the entertainer, decided to set the mood with his mobile playlist. However, the songs he chose were not the typical party anthems but melancholic love ballads. The lyrics, drenched in emotions and heartache, began to work their magic on the atmosphere.

The change in the room was palpable, and even Arjun, who had been somewhat disengaged, found himself drawn into the emotional depths of each song. His thoughts, usually hidden deep within, were stirred by the powerful lyrics and melodies, causing a shift in his demeanor.

As the night wore on, conversations about love failures became the central topic. Tales of heartbreak, missed chances, and the pain of one-sided love echoed through the room, each story sharing a common thread of human vulnerability. It was a night for letting guards down, revealing the often-hidden facets of their hearts.

When the time came for Venkat's turn to share, the room erupted with laughter and teasing. His list of romantic failures was lengthy, and his friends found endless amusement in recounting the countless escapades.

As the stories and music continued to flow, Arjun got lost in thought. Each tale of love and heartbreak had its own unique twist, yet he found some semblance of his own experiences in them. The melancholy tunes and shared narratives seemed to echo his own sentiments.

The laughter continued to fill the room as the night unfolded, setting the stage for Vaibhav's curious question, inquiring about Arjun's own romantic history. The group leaned in, anticipation in their eyes, waiting to hear the untold stories of their steadfast friend's love life.

Vaibhav's question was like a sudden jolt back to reality. Arjun blinked and focused on Venkat, who spoke on his behalf, "Arjun was hopeless when it comes to love stories. I always wanted him to have a beautiful relationship with any girl, but he didn't. But there was this one girl, Swapna. She was beautiful and I think she was the only female friend in Arjun's life. I thought he had an interest in her, but he didn't. Finally, she got married to someone. I think she was much happier now."

The room was filled with a mixture of emotions, and Arjun remained silent, a whirlwind of feelings churning inside him.

Suddenly, Arjun's abrupt shift in behavior left the room in stunned silence. He, who had previously abstained from alcohol, reached for a glass and took a sip, then another, and yet another. Venkat was initially worried about the sudden drinking spree, but it was Arjun's fiery gaze and newfound determination that truly startled him.

Arjun's eyes blazed with emotions, and when he struggled to rise from the floor, the dizziness overcame him, causing him to stumble and fall. It was in that vulnerable moment that he unleashed a torrent of pent-up feelings, shouting in frustration.

"What do you know about my life?" Arjun's voice quivered with anger and anguish. "You never know my interests, you never knew about my love. Do you know how much I loved Swapna?" He was on the verge of tears. "It was because of you, I sacrificed my happiness, and you're saying she's happy because she didn't marry me. What have you said? Am I hopeless in love? Yes... I was hopeless... I was hopeless because of your bloody attitude and mood swings."

In that charged atmosphere, Arjun had bared his soul, revealing a side of himself that Venkat had never witnessed before. Exhausted from the emotional outburst and the effects of the alcohol, soon drifted into an uneasy sleep. The room was heavy with the intensity of his emotions, and Venkat felt a mix of shock, guilt, and a newfound understanding of his brother's hidden feelings.

Venkat's mind swirled with turmoil. He couldn't shake the guilt that enveloped him. As his friends watched in a stunned silence, Venkat's eyes welled up with tears, and he wept openly.

He remembered all the times Arjun had sacrificed for the family, how he had put their needs before his own, without complaint. It was as if a shroud of ignorance had clouded his own vision, preventing him from seeing the love Arjun had buried within himself, a love that had quietly simmered, never given voice.

Tears streamed down Venkat's face as he choked out words to his friends. "I need to find her, we have to find her," he implored, his voice wavering. Venkat's friends sprang into action, pulling out their smartphones and searching social media sites for any sign of Swapna. The room, which had been filled with laughter and jest moments earlier, now buzzed with newfound purpose, driven by Venkat's urgent quest to help his brother.

Time seemed to stretch as Venkat and his friends delved into the labyrinth of social media profiles and virtual trails, hoping for a glimpse of Swapna's whereabouts. The urgency of their search hung heavy in the air as they navigated through friends lists, scrutinized pictures, and examined posts with unwavering determination. They knew they couldn't afford to give up. Their efforts were not only for Arjun but to ease the burden of guilt that weighed heavily on Venkat's heart.

As they scoured the digital realm, memories of Arjun's selfless devotion and the sacrifices he had made for the family weighed on Venkat's heart. The tears he had shed earlier were now replaced by a resolute determination to rectify his ignorance and help his brother find the closure he deserved.

With every click and scroll, they inched closer to a possible connection to Swapna, driven by a shared purpose to mend the past and pave the way for a heartfelt reunion. They found Swapna's address, and Venkat, with the assistance of his friends, gently moved Arjun to the car. As they settled Arjun inside, one of Venkat's friends inquired, "What's your plan now, Venkat?"

Venkat's eyes welled up with uncertainty. He replied, "I don't know. I just want him to meet her one last time. I know he won't listen to me once he wakes up. He's not like me."

The realization of his brother's vastly different personality weighed heavily on Venkat's mind. Still, his unwavering determination to reunite Arjun and Swapna had grown stronger with every step they took closer to her house.

Venkat had reached the vicinity of Swapna's house and parked his car at a distance. His heart raced with anticipation as he watched and waited for the right moment to approach her. Venkat didn't want to disrupt her peaceful life, but his brother's presence in the car pushed him to make that call.

He patiently observed Swapna from a distance, taking note of her radiant smile as she bid farewell to her children and husband. Her happiness was unmistakable. But the weight of the past and his brother's anguish propelled Venkat to act. With a deep breath, he dialed her number, his hand trembling slightly as he brought the phone to his ear.


Arjun remained seated, lost in thought, his emotions churning within. The weight of his past and the recent revelations pressed heavily on his shoulders. He was deep in introspection when Swapna, observing his silence, gently asked the question again, "Arjun, did you two have a falling out?" His thoughts scattered, and he returned to the present, his eyes meeting Swapna's as he grappled with how to respond.

Arjun felt overwhelmed by the emotions resurfacing within him, prompting him to excuse himself and head to the bathroom. In the dimly lit restroom, he leaned against the cold sink, tears welling up in his eyes. He had always been careful and composed, able to control his feelings, but that had changed in the last five days. As he stood there, tears welled up in his eyes, and he couldn't help but think about the events that had transpired, forcing him to confront a past he had tried so hard to forget. His inner turmoil left him questioning why he was here, sitting with Swapna after all these years. He washed his face, trying to regain his composure, but the memories of their past continued to haunt him, making him feel lost and confused.

© The Usual Guy