

The Aeronauts - 2019 (Adventure/Drama)
Today by switching on the TV or radio we get all the necessary information about the weather forecast almost accurately. But there was a time people used to believe rain is coming from heaven and it's a godly miracle, and for them sky was a miraculous object that always changes it's pattern in a mysterious way.
But there was a man named, Mr. James Glaisher ( a British astronomer and meteorologist) who believe in science, and started a baloon sky expedition in the year 1862 with the help of fellow aeronaut Henry Tracy Coxwell.
In this movie as a tribute to 'Amelia Earhart' a legendary pioneering aviator, and the women who did exist in the aeronautical world, director Tom Harper potrayed a mythical character named Amelia Wren a widow who's husband died in a balloon expedition.
The story is about the pair James and Amelia fighting against thunderstorms, wind, hailstones and rain as they ascend higher and higher, achieve something phenomenal, they travel to heights no man or woman has ever reached before.

Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones did an extra ordinary job in this movie, their acting was something which we all can treasure in our minds. But, trust me Tom Harper's 'The Aeronauts' will amaze you in all possible ways from beginning till end. Visual and special effects are on top notch, and it gives you breathtaking moments. If you watch it in a special effects Tv background it'll give you heart-wrenching experience.

But yes there are few moments which you might get bored off cause, most of the shorts are in sky itself but, the mesmerizing beauty of the scenes will compensate that.
If you really wanna experience a visual beautiful movie then please go for it. I'm sure you will love it for many reasons.