

Whisper from my soul
Ep3. School celebration
Some weeks past, the school celebration is finally arrive. The group of sis friends (Hoshimi, Jiro, Koko, Asashi, Akira and Yuuto) join the celebration. Hoshimi meets her own sister.
[Hoshimi] " Kyiyo, how was your days with friends? "
[Kyiyo] " Oh, it's fine. "
She walks away without saying goodbye. Koko walks closer to Hoshimi.
[Koko] " Kyiyo is so rude, now days. Isn't she? "
Hoshimi sighs, then she turns back to her friends.
[Jiro] " What's the matter? "
[Koko] " Kyiyo's been so rude, now days. "
Jiro looks at Hoshimi sobbing.
[Yuuto] " I think she plans to do something. "
[Akira] " Yeah, deal. I thought so, too. "
[Asashi] " No twin sisters ignore each other like this. "
Jiro hugs Hoshimi.
[Jiro] " We better keep safe, her sister is in a bad condition. "
[Koko] " Deal, why don't you report it to your parents? Are they home? "
[Hoshimi] " They're gone away on business. "
[Akira] " I thought they're home. "
[Hoshimi] " They're just go again. "
[Koko] " Oh, C'mon. We'll protect you, let's go and get something to eat. The show is nearly start."
They walk to the nearby school's shop, then they see the show together.
They go everywhere together. At half past 7 in the evening, the celebration is finish.
The friends are still worry about Hoshimi.
[Koko] " Let's have a sleepover at my home! I'll make sure nothing will happen. "
[Everyone] " Okay. "
Hoshimi is thinking hard of what will happen to her.
[Hoshimi] " I better go to grab my stuff! "
[Yuuto] " We can't let you go alone. "
[Jiro] " I'll go with you. "
[Hoshimi] " Nah, that's okay. I can go. "
[Koko] " Okay, we'll stay here. Looks like we can't stop you. " (Sigh)
They watch her as she walks away. They start following her without the notice from her.
They hide behind some houses, they see that Hoshimi is getting inside her house. They won't give up on keeping an eye on her. They wait Infront of her home. Finally, Hoshimi gets out and leaves her home locks.
[Hoshimi] " Woah, I thought you're at school. "
[Jiro] " We just couldn't let you go. "
Hoshimi first big smile makes everyone warmed their hearts.They hold each other hands and headed toward Koko's home. When they get there, Koko opens her home's door and calls out for her mom.
[Koko] " Mom, my friends are sleeping here, tonight. "
[Mrs. Hotaru] " Oh, come on in, everyone. "
They get in and Koko leads then to her higher bedroom.
[Koko] " You guys stay, I better go downstairs. "
[Everyone] " Okay. "
[Koko] " Asashi, come with me. "
[Asashi] " Oh, okay. "
Everyone stays in the bedroom and watching TV. Asashi and Koko go to the kitchen's table.
[Koko] " Mom, dad! We need to talk. "
[Mr/Mrs. Hotaru] "What's about? "
They sit down, and Koko started to tell them the story about Hoshimi and Kyiyo. After that...
[Mr. Hotaru] " We must inform the police. "
[Asashi] " Wait a while, what if it won't happen? "
[Mr. Hotaru] " Asashi, you must be right. Wait a while. "
Koko is feeling much better when her parents said that. Then they change their subject. They chat until 10pm.
[Mom/Dad] " You two, better go to sleep. It's late now, dear. "
[Koko/Asashi] " Yes. Good night. "
They walk to the bedroom, and found out that everyone is fast asleep. Koko and Asashi sigh, the. they go to bed together.
{Will be continue to Ep4...}