

The Balancing Act
For years now I have been wondering about the 'Life Balance'. Well, one thing I learnt in the struggle to understand it is it's not for me...!
I self evaluate my mistakes, my principles, the ideas and my ideals, perceptions, perspectives, opinions and above all the inevitable and constant 'Change' needless to say it's EXHAUSTING..!

Life is hard as it is and to top it all balancing the balance? Phew! There is a time in everyone's life where you start to look back on your achievements, mistakes, decisions good, bad, ugly, the choices you made, the road you didn't take...We reflect as they call it...!

I don't know if I would ever be able to achieve and understand the very definition of the Balancing Act but we sure do learn from our mistakes, experiences as we look back and we try hard to not repeat those mistakes as we move forward...To continue doing what best worked for us...In my opinion that's Balancing..! That's the closest I could get to the idea, and that's good enough I think..won't you agree???

© the little rebel