

Cassies Dream PT 23
Ty and Cassie pull in at home everyone is there to welcome them home. Cassie puts on a brave face and decides to deal with it the best she can. Her and Ty had got married that was something good. They take care of Rocket and the truck and trailer Cassie has all her Winning checks to put in the bank They go in the house and there is a stack of boxes in one corner and bigger stack in the other. On the table lays copies of magazines that have articles about Cassie and her season. She looks at the big boxes.She opens one up it has t shirts and jackets that say Cassie Martin National Barrel Racing Champion on them. She opens the ones she know are from Shelly. There is one that is bigger than the others it is leaning against the wall she cuts the end and slides the box off and unwrap the paper. It is her riding at Santa Fe but it is one big picture of Rocket going around the last barrel and then there are four smaller pictures one of her leaning down and hugging Rocket around the neck. One of her standing in front of him and he has his head over her shoulder. One of her and him waiting to run and one of the victory lap where she is waving. Ty comes in and gets his hammer and nails Steve helps him carry them to the hallway he puts the big one right next to their bedroom door. Then they put the rest down the one side of the hall with the others. Cassie stands back and looks at all of them. "That's the coolest thing I have ever seen." Missy says "This is kind of cool too." And she holds open the ad in the magazine that is Cassie. "I have a bunch of shit I have to do now huh?" Steve looks at her "Yes you sure do" "Fuck I got to get my head straight all of this is crazy Ty baby I am going to go lay down for a little bit will you call mom?" "Yes I sure will." Ty talks to Amanda she tell him that Cassie needs to get the papers signed so she can send them back to the lawyer so she would be out in a little bit. Ty went to the bedroom Cassie is sleeping she looks so sad even in her sleep it is terrible that this with her dad has happened right now she should be happy and celebrating instead of dealing with this. Tys phone rings he steps out of the room so he doesn't wake Cassie it's his sister Shelly. Ty tells her about Cassies dad Shelly was wanting to have a big party for Cassie. Her and Ty decide to wait on a party. Steve is contacting her sponsors to inform them of what Cassie is dealing with so they can work with her. Ty heads back to the kitchen. Missy and Sam are leaving to go to Sam's house. Amanda pulls in with Moon and the papers that Cassie has to sign. Amanda tells Ty to let Moon go wake her up.
Moon flies in the house to find Cassie "There is my boy momma missed you, were you a good boy.?" Amanda sticks her head in the room"Hey there champ!" Cassie runs to her mom and starts crying all over again. "I know baby I know. But listen to me your daddy raise you to be tough. He wouldn't want all this crying" tears run down Amanda's face she has cried her fair share as well. She wipes her face "Go wash your face you have to take care of this for your daddy. Now go on." Cassie goes to the bathroom and washes her face with cold water and comes back to the kitchen where mom, Ty, Steve and Nina are sitting. Steve is looking over the papers Amanda had brought. "This looks pretty standard Cassie will become the owner of Martin Bucking Broncs. And Jake will become the owner of Martin Farms. Amanda you have the legal rights to take care of all the banking with your name still on all accounts. So you are to do according to what you and Richard have already talked about. He has taken care of all final arrangements and has had his will drawn up. This is just a form that saying that Cassie is aware that she is now legally responsible for any business that goes with MBB." Cassie looks at her mom."I am the owner of all the bucking stock?" "Yes and Jake gets the farm and cattle. They are about equal in value." "I don't care about value, I have to bring 65 more horses up here. Along with the trucks and trailers. What about his workers?" Steve says "Cassie Ty and I will help you the best we can we will give those guys a month pay. if they don't want to move with you." Ty looks at her "Babe we have plenty of land to put the horses on, don't stress on all of that we will get it taken care of." Cassie says "I. guess now would be a good time to tell all of you we got married in Vegas." Amanda looks at her and then Ty." What about a big wedding ?" "We can still do something." Ty says. "I guess you are right and it's all about what the two of you want." Steve says "Okay I need a copy of the marriage license so I can have on file. Cassie sign where I have highlighted and then I will go in there and make copies of all of those fax them back and the mail these in the morning over night."Cassie signed the papers and handed them to Steve. He went to Tys office to take care of them. Amanda patted Cassies hand "So do you have more pictures? Better yet let me see that buckle." Cassie had totally forgot about her buckle. "Ty baby Did you bring my bag with my buckle in?" Ty comes around the corner with the wooden box "You mean this little old thing?" Cassie smiles at him when he hands it to her. She slides it across the table to Amanda Nina gets up and walks over so she can see too."Oh look at that. That is so pretty." Cassie goes to the office and comes back and lays the check on the table. Amanda looks at it and then at Cassie, "That's a lot of money." Nina says "I never seen a check for that amount in my life." "Me neither." Cassie says. "And it has my name on it." Amanda laughs "Well how does it feel?" Cassie gets up and goes to the hallway. "This right is so amazing to me that Shelly had the thought to do this for me." Amanda steps in the hall and is at a loss for words. "Do you know who the photographer is that got these shots?" Nina says "He is a freelance that is absolutely amazing photographer a couple of these are PRM. I would guess that Shelly knows him personally with her being in the fashion industry." " You are probably right there they are outstanding photos." Amanda says. "Cassie stands looking at them "These photos make it real because I remember everyone of moments the feel at that very moment. Like this one here at Mobile I can feel Rocket dig in look at his muscles if you went out to the barn right now and look at him he is not bulky but this shot he looks like an amazing beast which he is." Amanda hugs Cassie around the shoulder I understand and I am so proud of you. I love you but I better get back home I have a dinner date." "What? Who with?" "Billy Miller." "Well now isn't that something I hope you have a nice time." Amanda heads out the door Nina and Cassie go to the kitchen."So what's new with you there my friend?" Nina says "Nothing and everything Steve is wonderful he treats me so good.And I sent my photos to Shelly and she is going to come down next week." And she also may be able to get Missy a job drawing for books." "That's great glad to see things are going good with both of you." Cassie says."And I am pretty sure Missy is going to be a mommie." Nina adds. "Act surprised she wanted to tell you." Ty comes in "Act surprised about what?" "Missy and Sam are having a baby."

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