

Me and Him as WE
we were couples for last 5 years, but stuffs changed when i moved out of city for studies. still me and him used to call each other ,three times a day!
A shifting to new spot,i got lot of time engaging new friends too... so our time became limited!
but he too limits my call rarely with "concentrate on ur studies ,go..."
well, we had a soulful understanding!
All this years only relaying for each other on our every single move, days become lonely.but our love kept us alive...
one day, i decided to go back to meet him. It was not As usual day, butterflies in my stomach just like our first dating!
when we met love dripping moments for whole day, but when we stopped our car foe good coffee.He turned on parking indicator as our road had a lack of parking space,which is actually wrong!
i warned him like "is it necessary to get coffee from this shop,dear?"
he replied"just some minutes!" and then he flew.
when he returned,i also got one too...
after everything we decided to move our wheels.
suddenly a cop called us to file a penalty that we stopped on middle of road.
i got furious and spitted my words "go and pay,who cares....huh"
" did you listen to me"
"i am the one who pays, why do u care!"he replied.
It created a big chaos between us ,just for some 500 rupees bill.
In middle of converstion, he spilled some words as "who asked u to come... just return now itself "
i got shocked of his words and left the spot to get on my train!
later i realised our happy times and decided to step down of train before it departs... i gone to look for him!
he was waiting for me outside the station even when knew the train departed.
we spoke lot but later when v had our own time ,i realised that he was so stressed coz of my absence, he was happy when he saw me but i failed to realise his struggles when i was not here with him.
He became lonely and started to look for me every day, didnt hesitate to travel far to see me and also waited for me to come back. During this period, he lost contact with his friends too,... As he was so concentrated and lovebounded over me ...
he showed only his happy sides to me, that makes me smile!
I realised that if i hesitated to take that leap to search for him, then i would have lost this cute moments..
also i realised his love and that anger is also an another form of love too...

That leap to understand our lovely ones.... Thats where our true love starts....

© ruby nithi