

The Heroes journey
If you could, would you migrate to another country to protect you and your family? But where and why? We'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

The heroes journey is never a straight line.
There'll be an invitation
to adventure to refuse.
Thinking it's no use.
Save your money for the short cuts.
The long stretches go well enough.
Settle for the next meal and the right direction.
Stay out of airports,
Take a train or a bus.
Find a farmer who need laubour.
He'll help you to stay under the radar.
Find a worm place,
where you can live in a tent.
Cross borders in places not known.
Go for Russia or China.
Europe will send you back.
Change your identity down the track.
Dress like a woman if you are a man,
and a man if you are a woman.
Know you will be tested on your way.
When you think you're a out of money,
it may be time to pay💚❤️💚
© Lucia