

That one vist in the fog.. That took my soul..
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source,
But you know sometimes curiousity gets the better of you... I don't know where I was heading.. Even why I was heading to but that sound... That cry.... Yeah, So as I curious person I followed the sounds... Maybe my mind was indicating not to but.. Something was different... Something I couldn't put my finger onto... Something that I might regret but right now I guess there was no spot for such emotions ... Cause looks like i was just a few steps away from reality.. The cry was clear not the fainting anymore...But who said i wasn't afraid... It was a cry but not of a child neither of a mature human.. Looks like a sniffing crying of... Of a old someone... Maybe it was an animal but maybe a human... I can't conclude... Even if there was a slight chance that it maybe a human I should look... Right? Or maybe not... But that night I just got in the bushes as I heard that cry facing...Looks like someone was expecting me to show up soon ... If that's the case I Don't know what to do n what to think... But i cant look back now... No my steps... My body... Looks like it isnt in my control I ... I m just getting closer to that... Wait... Is... Is that a old woman.? Thank goddness its not any animal... But what is a old women doing in the middle of forest... Like out of nowhere.... This doesnt make any sense.... Think! Think! What now.... Okay so now its horrifying... Maybe I m just being paranoid... What to do Go back to the path or... or get her with me..? Wait i guess she is getting up n what? she went further in the forest... Maybe I should go back... But my conscience... Yeah as usual like what a normal kind hearted human will do... I tried to call her... I shouted... But she could care less... Looks like i should go back I turned my back... But no atleast i could go behind her... So without thinking of the outcome I went running behind her... Silly decesion you will say... Not that I have much of a choice... If I didn't look that day maybe i would have been still regretting it... So i just did what felt right at the moment... The next moment i even started arguing n doubting myself but nothing can be done now... As I decide to follow that lady.... She went into the cloud ... in the dust... For a minute fog got in front of my eye... As i stand there... Not having much knowledge... And that lady went dhe just disappeared until dawn...So afraid I was I starting taking steps backward... In the woods the crushing sound of dry leaves was horrifying enough... To make someone loose their confidence... And in a situation like this... And this is not cool... I fell ,maybe I couldn't take it anymore ,that fear, that women ,was she even real , or is it my imagination.. Whatever it was I felt the fresh wet grass on my cheeks the mud on my forehead... And it all went black further...In the next morning I woke up in a ventilator... What am I doing here... I should be in woods.... A young gentleman near by was surprised and greeted me morning... Confusion was all in my head... "Who are uh? Where am i? " were my first sentences...
"Calm down little one"... as the stranger hush me with some coffee the morning was cold.... I guess it was all a dream that women n all ....
Maybe I was wrong as I calm down I saw that women coming near to me.... What is happening...? She showed me a mirror and said
"Thanks for coming I was feeling really very lonely... Thanks to understand me... You may make yourself at home..." were her words..
The mirror left me in shock .... It was me in it lying in the woods some relief helicopter came n took my body... And announced me dead...
"Its your new home" said the one beside me... " You should have gone on your way straight son... Maybe you made a mistake... That fog was a gateway.... Now your soul is here and body is there.."said the wise one on other ventilator ..✨
© Ishu.writes❤️