

Necklace of terror✨
The diamond necklace on the mannequin looked familiar. She placed her palm on the window that separated them and leaned in closer..
'Oh what!' as she exclaimed..
"Thats... That's not possible there is no way.."
All the attention was to her... She can feel those wide eyes piercing through her soul..
The owner of the mannequin head down to her.. And asked her to back out...
But there was something special something different... that joins both of them... that connection between the necklace and her hands when she put them on glass...
It wasn't something ordinary...
The bond was something everlasting...
"I can't point that one"...
" A week has went by still i cant get that necklace out of my mind its like... its like the terror has occupied me... those screams that i had after pointing that necklace... those screams had got me nowhere... The terrifying screams n scenario... it... it is not something ordinary.."
The dreams from the last night occupied the thoughts as she was thinking....
From the corner of her eye... she suddenly noticed a ray of light... She looked around... It was evening a second ago and... and now its morning... No its not possible...
maybe afterall this is some bad dream... i need to get up... its not possible.. She tucked in her pillow and under the blanket she lays... Actually i cant sleep... this terror... damn...
i m gonna see that for once n all... she prepared herself and got to the ray she tucked her hair with clips behind her ear... As ready as i will ever be...
She got out opened the door and checked the ray...
It... It was the necklace from the mannequin...
Oh lord she relaised something is seriously wrong and....
The scenario was beyond impossible as she mummered to herself...
What now?
Shall i?
Umm... none is here... And i wanna try that one too... Soo why not wear it? Let's try... Saying that she wore the necklace and got to the mirror
Oh wow such a beauty as she exclaimed with joy i m never gonna throw this away no matter what...
She was more than happy...
Attitude n ego thats what we say... And yeah they conquered it...
She kept herself close in a room of her house for a week and didn't dare to get away from the necklace...
As a week or two passed by...
She was still admiring that necklace she didn't want to loose it...So she held it tightly....

To be continued 😌
© Ishu.writes❤️