

The Unforgettable Night chapter - 2
Finally I heaved  a sigh of relief when I found the candle, I was about to light it when suddenly the phone rang, I gave a screech of fear throwing the candle away from hand which I had found with a lot of difficulty. I picked the call it was my mother on the other side.  With a shaking voice is said “Hello”- mom asked me “ What happened” I told her that the power had gone and it had been raining here for 3 days making it difficult to move out of the house for the past 3days.

I was a business woman and had been busy all time. Since I was tired of my hectic life I thought I would take a break and spend my days in Ooty were I had hired a cottage to stay for a few days. My mom was in London right now, she had gone there as my sister in law was delivering her first baby otherwise my mom would have been with me here right now. This point of time I missed her a lot. I always had a phobia for darkness and it grew even more now.


chapter- 3 coming soon