

June, the month of great fortune
🎲 6⃣ is the highest and the luckiest number of a die, for this reason, you’ll begin to experience the highest level of your greatness and breakthrough. What is greater than luck, which is Grace, will locate you and your family in this month of June.
🎲 On the 6⃣th day God created the most perfect image and likeness of Himself, for this reason, wherever place you may find yourself, the appearance of God will radiate all over you from now henceforth.
🎲 6⃣ is a perfect square, and that’s one of the reasons which makes it so rare, for this reason, in this month of June, God will perfect every form of imperfection in your life and also bestow upon you with rare and uncommon double blessings.
🎲 Jesus first ever miracle was to turn 6⃣ jars of water into wine, I pray that this month of June, the Lord will add those secret formulas that will change your life from tastelessness to sweetness, the special flavours that will make your life full and meaningful, He will add unto you this month, and also will He make you relevant, tangible, valuable, and presentable even at high places.
🎲 In the 6⃣th month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce to her a goodnews. For this reason, your goodnews will be announced to you this month of June.
🎲When Peter received his vision from God opening the door to the Gentiles, it was the 6⃣th hour. For this reason, in this month of June, you’ll begin to experience mighty and stupendous visions from God.
🎲 There are 6⃣ holes in a standard flute and 6⃣ strings in a standard guitar, for these reasons in this month of June, your mouth will be filled with pleasant songs and your heart with joyous melodies.
🎲 There are 6⃣ continents favourable to man, for this reason, help and favour will start to locate you from every angle on the surface of the earth.
🎲 The Israelites were been fed with manna from Heaven for 6⃣days, I pray for you this month, that unexpected provisions will come to your doorsteps this month of June.
🎲The glory of God covereth Mt. Sinai for 6⃣ days, in this month of June, God’s glory will begin to envelop you and your family.
🎲 After 6⃣ days, Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain of Transfiguration, In this month of June, there’ll be great and massive turnaround in your life.
🎲 The 6⃣th chapter of the Bible is Joshua, God told the Israelites to march around the walls of Jericho once a day for 6⃣ days. May every wall of Jericho in your life fall down!
🎲 Jesus was found innocent by 6⃣ different men: Pontius Pilate, Pilate’s wife,
King Herod,
Judas Iscariot after the devil left him,
One of thieves hanging on the cross next to Jesus,
and the Roman centurion guarding Him during His crucifixion.. For tMay we never be found guilty of any crime!
🎲 This Month of June, 6⃣ feet will never be your portion and never will it come near your loved ones.
Welcome to June, the month of fortune!


©️ Adefemi Olajide