

The fortune of thee man
It all started in the early 2000s...... A rich old man aged 60 named Abraham Hill's used to live with his wife and 8 sons. He owned 37 mansion's, 16 car's, 5 private jet's, 3 dog's and 15 businesses.

His wife's name was Ruth Bank's, before she was aviously *officialy* thee Hill's, she was 55. The eldest son was Joseph Hill's was 19. The 7th and 6th eldest were twins that were 18, 1 was Jesis Hill's and the other was Moses Hill's. The 5th,4th,3rd were triplets!! yeah!! triplets who were 16!! The 5th one was Jeff Hill's, 4th was Conner Hill's, and 3rd Steven Hill's. And hmm... the last 2 were also twin's who were 10! the second youngest was Jonathan Hill's and of course the youngest was Elijah Hill's......Damn my hands are already hurting...

So let's start...

After 10 year's of marriage thing's didn't really work out for Abraham and Ruth... So you would guess their next move... divorce!! Not officially though only... you know... physically.... then he got married to Mary Beeston who was soon officially a Hill...

1 day Abraham was going to work, when... suddenly... he was attacked by a gang .. he was..... aviously... severely injured..... that led him to coma.... it took him 3 months in coma.... when he finally... with God's good grace... woke up.

It put him in severe brain.... memory loss... he forgot everthing... you know what I mean with everything!! HW forgot everything including his name! ...

His sons took over his businesses that I had mentioned.... previously..

Soon He's step wife bankrupted him and he's son's threw him out... that lead him to depression....

He was about to give his life away... so..... he climbed a cliff ...and jumped off if..... soon his son's got to know about the loss... they were react less... it was like... as if ..... as if they didn't care..... after that they just shared some crocodile Tear's In.... in....in front of the public... you know.... like....they feel sorry.. hypocrites!!?!?!!!

Sorry for long wait........

part 2 is coming stay subscribed to get part 2.........

Sorry I had to end it quickly because if I had to write more than my finger's would have peeled of my skin

© rose