

A World Amongst The World
A boy comes into the world. In a loving family, he is taught the virtues of love, warmth, honesty and trust. Within his household he grows to love an innocent world.

Day by day, his illusion melts like an iceberg amidst the warm sea. Coming of age, he meets hatred, pride, selfishness, desperation, violence, and jealousy. It can't be true. Which world was real? Where he was from, people wished the best for one another. How could anyone live in this hostile, alien world? Must he relent to the ways of these foreigners? He felt dizzy, nauseous, and most of all, scared. Could he learn to live in a place where no one wanted the best for him, and fought each other to keep the best for themselves? Deep down, he clutched his home, wishing the best for others.

He decided to bring his compassion around with him. Like a turtle moving his shell, he found solace in his soul. Bringing his home everywhere he went, he welcomed everyone into his guest house. Beyond right and wrong, good and evil, all were invited. He met them there, eye to eye, and gave them tea. In his house, removed from harsh reality, he dwelled solemnly, granting respite to travellers weary of this strange simulation.

He knows the world outside is dark, so he became a light unto himself. Others soon surrounded him to feel his warmth, and some even became candles to others.

This is the way to go in such a world. Preserve love, deny darkness, only we can bring light into our souls.

© Lavinder