

My Crush Next Door(Chapter 5 Love in the Air)

Akirah pulled out her phone and called Anna. "You won't believe what happened! I need to tell you all about it. Let's meet up with the girls."

Anna: "Deal! Give me a bit to freshen up, and I'll meet you there."

Akirah: "Perfect! I can't wait to see your reaction. See you soon!"

As Akirah headed downstairs, her mom stopped her.

Mrs. Chopra: "Where do you think you're going in such a hurry, Akirah?"

Akirah: "Oh, Mama, I'm just meeting up with the girls at the cafe. I have some juicy gossip to share."

Mrs. Chopra: "Remember, Akirah, beware of those rich kids. They're not always what they seem."

Akirah: "Okay, Mama. Don't worry, I'll be careful."

Mrs. Chopra: "Alright, just be careful and don't stay out too late. You know how I worry."

Akirah: "I will, Mama. Don't worry, it'll just be a quick catch-up. I'll see you later!"

Akirah left the house with a big smile on her face, eager to share the latest drama with her friends. As she walked, she noticed Jay and Ethan chatting at the entrance of their house. She froze, staring at Jay.

Ethan teased, "Akirah, stop staring at us handsome men. You might forget to breathe!"

Akirah rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, Ethan."

Jay smiled and greeted her. "Hey, Akirah. Where are you off to?"

Akirah smiled shyly. "Oh, just meeting up with the girls."

Ethan chuckled and said, "Smooth move, Akirah. Smooth."

Akirah blushed. "Oh, stop it, Ethan. I'll see you guys later."

Jay smiled and said, "See ya."

Akirah walked away, her heart pounding from the encounter with Jay and Ethan's playful banter.

When she arrived at the cafe, the girls were eager to hear what had happened. Akirah launched into her story, detailing how Jay had given her a ride home. The girls began brainstorming their next move to make Jay fall even harder for Akirah. However, Akirah's attention was diverted when she mentioned how annoying Ethan could be with his constant teasing. Lisa chuckled and reassured Akirah to ignore him, saying he was just teasing her. The girls continued to discuss their plans for Jay as they enjoyed their time together at the cafe.

© meena's inspirational books