

Mystery oneshot
The email Michael has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago]

Rico: How's your day been?

"It can't be… Rico texted me…? But he passed away two years ago because of suicide!" Michael exclaimed angrily.

"It must be someone playing a prank on me!" He roared out angrily, clenching his phone tightly before he quickly texted back to the person.

Michael: I don't know how you got this number but stop texting me! I don't know you!

Michael texted before he threw the phone onto the sofa.


His phone vibrated as Michael went to grab his phone, expecting to see an 'Oh sorry but I bought this number and it has your contacts and I accidentally texted you.'

However what he saw next made him widen his eyes.

Rico: Mikey~ You can't possibly forget me right?

Came the reply.

The same exact way in how Rico would reply, and that nickname… Rico was the only one who would dare to call him that.

'Maybe it's my classmates pranking me' He thought, sweating uncontrollably for no reason.

But the others were too scared to call me that whether it be a prank or not…

Michael: How do you know that name!

Michael texted him quickly, wanting to get answers.

Rico: Really Mikey? How do I know you're name? Real funny.

The reply back was instant and quicker than before.

"No way… I don't believe that it's Rico! It's a goddamn prank and if I find out who the culprit is!" Michael gritted out under his breath as he stared into the camera on his phone.

"I swear, you must be stalking me right now! Seeing me through the camera… You think it's so funny hm? Playing with me like that!?" Michael roared out uncontrollably as he threw his phone against the wall angrily.

"Just… What is happening to me…" Michael stared at his hands trembling as he slid down to the floor.

"Police! Open the door!" Came loud bangings from the door as Michael jolted.

*Buzz* *Buzz*

His phone vibrated violently as Michael got up and walked towards the door cautiously.

'Why is the police looking for me?' Michael thought as he went nearer.


The next vibration he heard was deafaning and definitely caught his attention as he whipped his head towards the phone on the floor.

"How can it vibrate so loudly…" Michael murmured under his breath but pushed his worries aside, walking towards the door to let the police in.


Came the loudest vibration which made Michael froze in his tracks.

Turning back to try to spot the phone that was lying against the wall but to his horror he found it to be right beneath him, laying next to his feet.

He gulped and bent down to pick up his phone shakily, flipping over his phone as his screen automatically turned on.

Rico: Don't open the doors! They are the murderers who killed me!



Michael who saw those messages couldn't help but freeze as he went ashen.

Unlocking his phone quickly to text Rico.



Was it's response to Michael as Michael accidentally dropped his phone due to his shock.

"OPEN UP MICHAEL!" The bangings on the door became louder and more deliberate.

Michael immediately grabbed his phone and scrambled towards his backdoor.


A vibration… It means Rico has something important to say.

Michael flipped his phone to read the message.

Rico: Not the backdoor! They are planning on ambushing you! Take the window!

Michael: WINDOW!? But I'll die from this height!

Rico: You won't! It won't hurt at all! I promise!

Michael glanced out of the window to see a 6 floor drop to the grass.

Groaning as he has no choice but to listen to Rico as he gingerly opened the window.

The breeze made his feet glued onto the floor as Michael began breathing heavily due to the thought of dying.


Rico: Hurry! They are coming!

Michael clenched his eyes shut and jumped out of the window.

Landing onto the floor on his head, as it split open.

"Haha~ Got you~" Michael heard a soft whisper of his best friend whispering into his ears as his vision officially went dark.

That was when the memories came back to him…

"Rico… I'm sorry but I had to!" Michael exclaimed desperately at the rooftop.

"Had to what? Break my heart!? Kiss that bitch! Call me a gay faggot!?!" Rico spat out angrily as he turned away from Michael.

"That kiss was for a dare! And you know I didn't mean to purposely call you that! You know I truly love you." Michael yelled out.

"YEAH JUST BLAME IT ALL ON THE DARE! YOU WEREN'T APOLOGETIC AT ALL! Rico roared out angrily, glaring at Michael

"I've seen the way you look at her." Rico said with tears tolling down his cheeks.

Michael stiffened as he hear him sniffling, "I… I'm sorry." Michael trailed off sadly, coming nearer to Rico with his hands wanting to grab him.

"Back off! You don't love me! You love her!" Rico exclaimed, slapping Michael's hands away.

"Just listen to what you are saying! ME?! Love her!?" Michael roared out angrily as he pushed Rico backwards.

Michael only expected Rico to stumble back and come to a realisation about what he was saying but…

What he didn't expect was that Rico would fall over the railings.

"Rico!" Michael yelled out desparately, managing to somehow grab Rico by his hands.

Michael was about to pull Rico back up as he dangled there fearfully with tears streaming down his freckled face.

"You know… Don't worry, it won't hurt. I promise, just close your eyes and it'll be all over." Michael whisper to Rico soothingly as Rico's eyes widen in horror.

"No! Don't let go! NO!" Rico screamed out fearfully but it was too late, Michael had already let go as he stared down longingly at his fallen body.

"Sir! Are you alright!" Authorities burst into the rooftop as Michael fell to his knees.

'What the… Why did I do that' He trailed off, staring at his hands shakily.

"Oh no! He jumped down already! Sir are alright! I know it is traumatising for you so please come with us!" The police officer grabbed Michael by his shoulders and helped him up.

Leading him down to the ground floor as Michael could only stare down into his sweaty trembling hands.

• • •

Michael, due to the trauma ended up in a mental hospital.

The phone he was holding was just a cardboard box.

The window he was talking about was the bars to the outside world to prevent any suicide from happening…

The bangings from the policeman outside his door were the nurses and doctors advising him to stay away from the broken bars.

The back door was just in his imagination…

And Rico texting him?

He was just part of Michael's guilt, weighing him down and pushing him to kill himself to pay for his sins.

• • •

"Hah~! What a sinful ending for this fools am I right?" Came a females sultry voice.

"Yep, can't believe that idiot believed me when I told him that he was the one who killed Rico." A male voice laughed out.

"Who knew that his mind was imaginative~" She purred.

"I know right…" He smiled at the girl.

"Mikey~ In the end, I did get my revenge. And you were right! It is a dish best served cold~" He murmured under his breath with a large grin.

© Naruko