

Thoughts Season 1 Part 3
According to what I can remember right now...... I and my two best friends.... Chloe and Brad.... we decided to go on a tour together as rich teens who just wanted to have fun in a new environment that we literally had no idea of..... As bad kids then.... we didn't tell our parents of our plan to travel out of the country to a different country to have our tour...... well, I've actually forgotten the name of the country we chose to go explore but what I can remember is that the country wasn't a popular country but was pretty strange that we learned alittle about their history in school....... As kids we had an ambition of wanting to see more than just our hometown---Chicago..... We knew that our parents won't let us or allow us explore.... So, we stubbornly decided to go by ourselves.... And since our parents are business owners, they are extremely busy people who doesn't really communicate with us as their children..... Honestly, they were not really there for us..... they never created a close relationship with us.... Instead they spoiled us with their millions. Honestly, we got used to it.... And it was also easy to run a way from home to a strange country with no idea of what could possibly happen to us as we arrive at the strange country.... Instead we were so excited to finally be able to explore on our own accord.... Forgetting the fact that we were just endangering our lives......

© Daydawn