

We will see
I keep my eyes peeled, always. I can acknowledge your presence beyond what the eye sees, but I am not dwelling in its blindness. Yes, I have the faces to disguise and the neck to look away. But why would I? No, I am not taking your sins to the grave with me; we will see them for what it is. It is our duty to witness our brokenness for the curse it is. Let us look forward to the pieces falling apart if that is what fate saw. Looking past the taboos only magnifies the dread in us. The sight of ugliness can look peachy when stripped to reveal its nakedness. That said, masquerading behind the sugarcoating is never an eye-opener. It is not within my intentions to navigate my steps with a walking cane. Why walk on eggshells when we can level the ground and face the unpleasantness with our eyes open? I am a wounded animal; I don't have the courage to overlook things. The act of overlooking is an overstretched fantasy for which I cannot fathom its magnitude. And I grasp only what I can see. We will see!

© Ommie