

Bella more about her
Now i would like to write about how she has helped me by being my service dog, she helps me with my P.S.T.D (post tramatic stress disorder) i wasn't in the army or anything, its from childhood drama, the task i trianed her help in public situations, she does blocking, dbt(deep pressure therpy) and if i have a really bad one leads me out of the store or into a empty alise. She also finds my car, because sometimes ill just have a brain freeze and forget where i parked from having issues in store, she has been a Godsend to me... she does her work perfectly she knows i don't like people close behind me and she blocks behind me so they can't get too close and stays until i say up. i also taught her to stop at every crosswalk cause we do alot of walking and busy areas, she is always so alert notices everything. She sees things i don't and lets me know, she has taught me to be more patient with things, when she notices my anger rising she pulls the leash to go to side of sidewalk or if at home she will sit in front of me and put her paw on my leg as a calm down momma..
this is a short one hope you guys enjoy it