


Some parents spoil their children all in the name of giving them the best life, they harm their children by exposing them to certain privileges that don't warrant at some certain stage, why on earth will children less than 2 years old be given an iPad at an age where they are supposed to be suckling on the mother's bosom with reckless abandon and be cradled to sleep like the innocent little infants that they are? Are they supposed to use the iPad to check the density of the milk that is coming out of the breast? Giving some things that aren't supposed to be given to children at some certain stage in their life is very destructive to them, it takes away their innocence and willpower to discover and harness their true value, worth and potential in life.

I don't know about the western world but as an African that was born and bred in Africa, I know that some of the gifts parents give as a show of love/affection to their children at ages when they are supposed to be taught about puberty and growth are exclusively a display of the parent's ego and wealth, not necessarily for the child's interest/benefit, I overheard some teenage girls of ages, between 13years to 15years old having a conversation, one of them was proudly telling her counterpart that she will never in her life post a picture of herself on social media that is not taken or edited from an iPhone, what a disaster!? This is a girl that is probably struggling with which brand of sanitary pad that best fits her menstrual flow, whose mind is supposed to be pre-occupied with her dreams/aspirations, this girl has no job and is fully dependent on her parents, and also happens to be fully equipped with a very high standard/taste in life for vanity already, with absolutely no means whatsoever to fond that kind of lifestyle.

How did we get here? Where did she develop that kind of a mindset of lies and putting up a performance for the world instead of concentrating on her studies or acquiring a skill to enable her to fend for herself or to do something to add value to society, what kind of knowledge is that kind of girl going to impart to her children when she becomes a mother? she is looking for very expensive gadgets that she has zero means of acquiring on her own to filter and foster a fake image of a shadow of herself and sell those lies and deception to the gullible like-minds, that is an inherited ego she subconsciously absorbed from what they call; the new trend or her parents to project about herself, an attempt to conceal her real self in make-ups and wigs (cowardice), all these things can not conceal character, a point comes in life when you have to deal with real challenges, and all these are part of the causes of low self-esteem and depression.

It makes children want to settle for less and become lazy because they were handed everything on a platter, what happens if the source of supply for those privileges vanish? The children will be led to get those things through other dubious means, there is an adage that goes, Don't give me the "FISH PIE", teach me how to "FISH THE PIE" by myself, making everything available for your children at some certain stages in their life makes them reluctant to harness their natural skill, gift, or talent to push themselves to discover their full potential, they always end up living their parents dreams by inheriting their parents legacy, some parents even go as far as choosing courses/skills for their children to learn, that is not love, that is selfishness, for a parent to groom their children to become little versions of themselves instead of grooming the children to become the best version of the people that they were created to become.

Parents are supposed to give their children basic guidance and direction and if possible, to create opportunities and conducive environments for the children to be able to experiment with life in better conditions, then leave them to make their own life choices, some parents use their children to try and correct their own past mistakes, they use their children to try to achieve what they could not achieve during their own time.

The world changes rapidly with time and people need to evolve mentally to blend with the new world, some lessons are best taught by one's personal experience from their life exploration not from their parents or teachers, so parents should stop imposing their idea about life on their children and stop breathing down fire on their children's neck to become something they are not meant to be, some parents stoop as low as lying about their grades when they were in school to put unnecessary pressure on their children to do better, thereby creating tension and competition where it does not exist, leading children to think they are supposed to live their lives to match up to other peoples expectations instead of just encouraging the children to do what is right and best for their life so that they will not turn out to be a liability and a menace to the society.

F.I.D libraries