

Being your secret Chapter 3
Tears rolled down on Sabrina's cheeks.
She knows it's normal to see Brandon with someone else at school but she can't help but to be depressed & think if she was just another fling of his.

Sabrina came out of her thoughts when she saw the girl wrapped her arms around his neck & kissed him on the LIPS. No that's it Sabrina can't stand this. She went straight to their direction & stood in front of them forgetting her relationship with Brandon being a secret.

Everybody was very shocked to see her sudden presence. She was looking straight to Jennifer the girl who was sitting on Brandon's lap.

" What are you looking at you weirdo nerd ?" Jennifer said annoyed. Sabrina still stared straight into her eyes. She's not even blinking. Jennifer pretended to be very scared & puts her head on Brandon's chest.

"Baby she's so scary, I'm so nervous, why is she looking at me like that? She faked a crying face & started her drama. Then an unexpected thing happened & it was not according to Jennifer's plan.

" Shut the fuck up you delusional bitch, you're as fake as your eyelashes & Botox lips." Sabrina said angrily. After that there was Pindrop silence.

Hearing those words from Sabrina's mouth, everyone on the corridor was shocked except Brandon. Brandon wanted to laugh, he wanted to laugh so hard but he had to control himself around everyone. Everybody was shocked because in these so many years she had been bullied so many times but never ever a word like this came out from Sabrina's mouth.

Sabrina left from the corridor, but she heard some of their conversations after that.
"Whoa who would have thought that nerd is capable of talking like that.. whoa I'm really surprised." Issac said out of his thoughts.

" I think she has a crush on Brandon" Everybody stared at James with their widened eyes.
" What ? I'm saying this because that's why she got jealous about Jennifer sitting on his lap right? It makes sense right?" James said confusedly.

" Wh-wh-what are you talking about? O-oofcourse not she's just annoyed by us I guess, we're sitting like that In a hallway, it's not School's rule so I think that's it? Haha.." Brandon just wanted to change the topic.

"That ugly bitch is so scary, and how could she talk to me like that I was about to slap her" Jennifer said & Stella yawned "and about the crush thing as if she had a chance with my man, if she tried to look at my baby again , I'll beat her ass.. Everygirl Had a crush on my boyfriend " Jennifer Whinned & burried her face into Brandon's chest.

"Stop acting like that it's disgusting !! & Boyfriend? What is that crap about? " Stella finally asked annoyed.
" Brandon just asked me to her girlfriend this morning.. right Brandon?" Jennifer said shyly & tried to kiss him again but Brandon turned his face away.
" Umm.. yeah.." Brandon said with a half smile.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaattttt???????" Stella's eyes widened in shock & James & Isaac said in unison.

Sabrina heard all of their conversation & just left for her class with tears.

She tried so hard not to cry in class but she can't help it. She's still remembering everything the sight of Brandon & Jennifer kissing , He asked Jennifer to be his girlfriend. Everything is bothering her. She wants answer , she wants explanation, but she'll not ask , not anymore.
Brandon tried to talk to Sabrina during the whole school time but he couldn't. Whenever he tried to meet her alone she kept ignoring him during the whole time.
After Sabrina left from her last class for today she was finally ready to go home, she sighed. She was passing in front of the Store room when someone pulled her into the room & pinned her into the walls. "A-ahhhh" She tried to scream but she was silenced by a hand, & the person is obviously Brandon.
When Sabrina calmed down he removed his hand from her mouth.
" What do you think you're doing you asshole, let me go " she tried to scream again but a pair of lips stopped her.

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