

Ends In Aid Season 1 Part 18
(Voiced By Frank)
Oh no!....is it really gonna be over like this?....Am I really gonna lose my opportunity of taking back my company from the hands of Anderson?...is it really over?....is my cover really blown?.
Wait a minute, I'm confused here. What is my girlfriend doing in this company. What is she even doing in the General Manager's Office and why on earth is she sitted on the office chair as if she is the General Manager herself.
Honestly, I can conclude right now that my cover is blown.....well, because Ruth is my girlfriend and obviously she's the only person that knows everything about me....including my real name. She can literally destroy everything I've managed to build in this company...I can lose this job because I lied concerning my true identity. And she knows my real identity and may end up revealing it to everyone without even realizing it.
I'm at risk now.
I just kept silent, thinking of how I'll answer all of her questions and to explain to her and yet still keep my cover and not expose myself. Come on, how can I pull this off?...how can I keep my fake identity alive and yet not lie to her.
Should I deny that she's talking to the wrong person?
Should I deny that I'm not Frank but Nathan?
Should I deny my knowledge of her?
Come on, that would be the stupidest thing I could ever do in my life because I really don't want to lose my girlfriend all in the name of getting my company back.
Oh thank God that Henrietta didn't follow me into this office.
But now how can I deal with this?
I'm confused right now.
The truth of the matter is, I'm still wondering why Ruth is working in WinTake company as the General Manager. I thought she told me that her dad already owns a company and that she is going to work for her dad in his company. But this WinTake company and the owner of this company is Anderson. What is Ruth doing in WinTake Company?
I'm definitely confused right now.
Out of impatience, she asked me again "please, answer my question. What are you doing here? And why are you all dressed up like some janitor? And why are you holding those cleaning equipments?....And why aren't you in your dad's company, working for your dad. I thought you said that your dad owns a company. Shouldn't you be a manager there? Then why are you here, in my dad's company, being a common janitor?".
Wait a minute, this is your dad's company. That's makes sense. No wonder why you're the General manager because this is your dad's company but now it is much more complicated because your dad, whose the owner of this company, should be Anderson and if Anderson is your dad then I can say that my girlfriend's dad killed my dad. And I'm going against my girlfriend's dad to put him in prison or to sentence him to death.
Now, this is really complicated.
Ruth said "come on, Frank, please, stop giving me the silent treatment...I don't deserve this much silence, do i?".
Well, I can remember that I didn't tell my girlfriend about my dad's death....so, she's really oblivious about that matter.
Come on, I wonder how she will feel when she finds out that her dad killed my dad.
Well, it ain't gonna be me that will tell her that truth. I can't tell her that.
She continues to say "And besides we haven't spoken for days now....since we finished our youth service....you didn't call me....atleast to ask me how I was doing....".
Well, I like the fact that she is drifting away from her questions concerning why I'm here....looking like a janitor.
She asked "come on, frank. Speak to me. Why are you not talking to me? Are you angry with me?".
Well, I think this is the best moment to talk....now that she has drifted away.
I answered "well, I'm not angry with you".
she asked "then why didn't you answer any of my questions?".
I answered "well, I just answered one few seconds ago".
She asked "what's wrong, frank? Why are you all dressed up like you are some janitor?".
Well, I think it's high time For me to come clean concerning this matter....I can't hide this any longer.
I answered "well, Ruth, there's something that you've got to know".
She asked "and what is it? I'm really desperate to know what has happened to you".
I answered "Ruth, my dad is dead".
She replied "oh my God. I'm so sorry dear....I didn't know....(as she stands up) you could have told me....I could have been there for you....in such moments of pain....to comfort you".
I said "well, I didn't call you because I didn't need comfort from you And besides you don't have to stand up right now. You can just sit down already".
She asked "wait, why are you sounding so cold?...why are you sounding as if you don't love me again?...why are you sounding distant".
I answered "please, don't misunderstand me. Ruth, please, don't call me Frank again. I've changed my name and now my name is Nathan".
She asked "wait, why did you do such a thing?".
I answered "well, Ruth, you've got to understand something. My company is no more".
She asked "what happened?....please, stop keeping me on suspence....tell me everything that happened".
I answered "after my dad died, Anderson, your dad came and took over my company....he bought my company and so, I was jobless and I needed a job....".
She replied "wait, your company was the company that my dad was telling me about....that he bought it and that it now belongs to him. It was your company....oh, frank, I'm really sorry about what my dad did".
I said "well, it's okay. I'm surviving. Aren't i?".
She answered "yeah, it seems you are. But why did you decide to change your name?".
I replied "well, because I'm scared that if your dad realizes that I'm Frank, the rightful owner of the company he recently bought, he may make sure that I lose this job that I have as a janitor".
She said "well, I don't think so....because my dad isn't that heartless".
I replied "so, you admit that your dad is heartless".
She said "yeah, I do admit that. Come on, he keeps on taking over other people's companies and owns them. That ain't right".
I replied "I understand".
She said "well, if you think that changing your name is safer for you then I'll encourage you concerning that. And I'll stop calling you Frank but I'll start calling Nathan".
I replied "wow....thank you so much for agreeing. I really didn't think that you would.....".
As she interrupts "come on, why shouldn't I, Nathan?. I care about you and your safety".
I replied "thank you so much".
She said "well, it's my pleasure".
I replied "well, I was sent to clean your office. Can I?".
She answered "sure. Go on. Do your job. I'm not stopping you". As she sits down on her office chair and watches me clean her office.
After I had finished cleaning her office, the door opens and a young man walks into her office and greets her.
She said "well, good morning dear. Hmmm, Nathan. This is the Accounting Manager of this company. He is the son of one of our most Efficient Shareholders. His name is Samson".
As I stretch out my right hand to handshake him while I said "well, it's nice to meet you sir".
As he looks at me with an eye of rudeness and said "are you out of your mind? How dare you think I'll handshake a nobody like you. Would you keep your hand to yourself?".
So, I kept my hand to myself.
As Ruth said "hmmm, please, Nathan, can you leave us alone? And please, don't mind Samson's pride and arrogance".
As I angrily took my cleaning equipments and began walking out of the office.