

Dear Seth
Dear Seth,
Hi, this is Mackenzie. I've written this letter to forgive the things that you did to me. Though its really difficult to say these things to you in person I will home you find this letter. the things you did were not good things and to that my father will never forgive you. but I have acknowledged that you were just as a kid as I was then. I've had nightmares and I've had mental breakdown's. I've tried reporting you and trying to find you. I didn't even tell my parents about you because I was afraid you or your mother would hurt me. so know I have chosen that the best thing for me to do, is to forgive. forgive for taking advantage at such an age. forgive for hurting me more times than once and taking advantage that my dad was overseas. to I hope you learn to do what I have done. so that you may not hold grudges on others as I did.
