

Now I'm taking a bottle of God, and i never thought myself to be an alcoholic but; this is a story of a veteran, a blind man with his aim, left his boots and his camp, he was misguided on a dark lane , homie was Strong but couldn't Took the pain - when he found out she was was with another man, whole night He was there standing in the rain : and he said : "She was the vamp": I feel cheated and broken now I'm in the zone with this Stupid slogan, I gave her everything I didn't do it for fun; why would you do this to me? Now I'm alone and maybe that's what my destiny want:
I cried voiceless cause together we were like one I can't take it anymore ahhh... my heart won't heal so I shot it myself with a gun,
No son, why would you do that? said my dad, rushed to the hospital blood on the pram I saw my Sister Pray, but I knew myself this was my day- in my deathbed im riminicing and it's sad, pictures above me slowly fades away, I'm dying and bleeding I don't blame no one but me, cause I chose somebody who would stabbed behind me, I was Supergiant America with my atomic bombs I lost only once and I call her the mighty Vietnam.. my body so cold so numb , it's too late nothing can be done, I'm sorry world I was too dumb, so stupid and so Bum... the last thing I saw was my mom and my Words won't come out Cause my breath Ran out !
Doctor : I'm sorry we couldn't saved his life.....