

Letter to the Single MOMS...
Dear single moms,
I just don't have words for your strength. You nourish a generation on your own. It would be difficult to nourish a child on your own. Maybe, the others considered you as cursed. They would have told you that your fortune killed your child's father or your fortune is responsible for your child's father leaving you but trust me being single doesn't mean you're cursed. People would think much bad of you but they cannot even imagine how hard times you are passing through. You are the real heroes. Despite you do every single thing on your own, the society considers you as a burden. You are not a burden but you are an inspiration for those who are dependent. You inspire the dependent ones to become independent. You should be proud on yourselves for becoming an inspiration.
Well again, I praise your strength and please never let your strength to wilt by the society taunts.

© Devazaynab