

Bike Bodies No
There bike was on the curb when two body's came falling out the window.And they landed on the bike
but a crowd gathered and said.
That's them two food truck owners.
And the police get there and say what's with this did anybody see what
happen ? Yes they fell out the window and landed on a bike. Then the cops run towards the buildings. And an old lady comes out and say the on 10 and they go to the 10th floor and the super got the door open.Thank God your here.I called they both jumped
there family say they both got Covid
and that they had been robbed. So they jumped there mother in the corner there crying holding. a bible I can't believe this and why? Oh this don't make any sense. They could have
been saved and helped by hospital or holy God. Oh the world not right sense all kinds of things been going
on all around I pray. Oh it's no go and worse an worse. So they try to talk to the lady and she cry. Why mine on holy Lord why? Then they get stuff in the place to identify the people and they see the widow they threw the glass and widow pane our so now she got a huge hole where they was at.
So in the back of one of the police cars they had wood and they get a Hammer and board up the space.
And then leave that mother crying and
neighbors to help her deal. And they write a report and crime specialist
intell had to step in and get simples
from scene. But this was crazy like many other things in the world today.
That there is just no answers for if
you feel crazy get help!