

The Dark hospital corridor..

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. "What should I do now!?" My mind is racing, I have no time! I should act quickly...I look around the dark hospital corridor, There is nothing but hospital beds piling up together, While I was thinking about how to find a way to get out of this place, I heard a loud thump coming from behind me, I immediately crouch down on the ground while hiding behind the hospital bed..The footsteps are getting closer and closer until I can see a faintly see a sillouhette of a man, I can hear his machete scraping through the hospital tiles, I covered my mouth with my hands to avoid making any kind of noises, I can hear him call out my name...

" Mary~ Mary~ where are you? I just wanted to talk to you come out come out wherever you are~"

Tears are rolling down my cheeks, Oh please someone save me I can't die! this early! my mind is full of negativity AM I GOING TO MAKE OUT ALIVE!?

Not a minute later, I heard police sirens outside, The man immediately look back and ran away I can hear his footsteps getting softer and softer, When I heard no footsteps I quietly stand up, I can here the hospital door bust open...I saw a lot police holding up their gun they turned on the hospital lights, The lights flicker a bit,


One police shouted from the distance I immediately ran up to them I saw my boyfriend coming towards me, when he saw me his face is filled with tears he immediately hug me tight...

" I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN! I'm so happy that you're okay " He looks at me smiling...

We went outside together, The police handcuff the man and they shove him Inside the car..after that one police interrogated us of what happened obviously I'm the one will answer since I'm the victim...

(A few minutes later)

The police waved us goodbye,They went back to their car and sped off...

So I was left alone with my boyfriend in the cold gloomy night...

© 🍑 Peaches~