

The Glitch Virus Chapter 5
I-I dont have much time! i-i touched someone! a lady, she ran up to me and grabbed my hands! s-she started rambling these words to me, t-then she glitched away! I only have 10 days left to live. that selfish woman touched me even thought she new I would die if she did! all my family member life across the country, I'll never be able to see them again. the virus has spread halfway across America, and to some other country's as well, bringing down the human population by a devastating amount. thousands have died already. its it's only day 29. if things keep going the way there going, there wont be and humans left. well, it least I dont have to worry about getting infected anymore. I'm sorry this entry was short, I want to go do some of the things on my bucket list before my timer runs out. goodbye.